I am starting an fire og grow in soil (707) to be exact. I was wondering if anyone could suggest some detailed nutrients regiments, or a link to something similar. Time to start some fires lol
apparently you have never heard of google.com? or maybe tried to read around on this website a little bit?
nope, you are right...clearly nobody has ever asked those questions before and so it would be a waste of time to go searching right? it's not like there is a specific nutrients and fertilizers forum on this website...it's not like people have already done all the work, and all you have to do is search, it's obvious that you should ask us all to research, learn, quote, and present all of the information on this site into tidy little tweets designed specifically around what you want to know and when?
cause the world revolves around you, so we kinda owe it to your amazing greatness to run around online doing your bidding? i am so humbled that you would even ask us!
ps Wisconsin blows and the packers suck...