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Diary Goji Grow


Well-known member
Debby gave us less than 1" of rain and no damage. The biggest chore I had was picking up all of the limbs, branches, and twigs that dropped from the pecan trees. All of it made more fuel for the fire piles.

All right now the Satori 1 that was cut down last Sunday is upstairs hanging from the ceiling fan. It will take a week to dry out the fan leaves.

There is a Satori 2 that I cut this morning. This is it shortly after cutting. It is not nearly as hefty as the one above, but it has a bit more essence of skunk.

There's a good looking Gelato coming up in a couple of weeks. A round of golf, perhaps?


When I harvest a plant it is also cleanup time and moving day.

The foam tiles have worked very well at covering the old cracked concrete floor. Easy to sweep clean and when the winter wet season turns the floor into a slow flowing river, the tiles make it workable.

I read a post by @moose eater somewhere singing the praises of an Apple Fritter encounter. An old fart getting excited about a buzz got me searching and there was Blimburn seeds to deliver. Yay! I planted 3 on Friday. I ordered some Grape Killer 99 at the same time and there are 3 of them planted. A freebie auto called Amnesia Bubba will be the first of its type in my rooms.

moose eater

Well-known member
Debby gave us less than 1" of rain and no damage. The biggest chore I had was picking up all of the limbs, branches, and twigs that dropped from the pecan trees. All of it made more fuel for the fire piles.

All right now the Satori 1 that was cut down last Sunday is upstairs hanging from the ceiling fan. It will take a week to dry out the fan leaves.
View attachment 19046451

There is a Satori 2 that I cut this morning. This is it shortly after cutting. It is not nearly as hefty as the one above, but it has a bit more essence of skunk.
View attachment 19046452

There's a good looking Gelato coming up in a couple of weeks. A round of golf, perhaps?

View attachment 19046453

When I harvest a plant it is also cleanup time and moving day.
View attachment 19046454

The foam tiles have worked very well at covering the old cracked concrete floor. Easy to sweep clean and when the winter wet season turns the floor into a slow flowing river, the tiles make it workable.

I read a post by @moose eater somewhere singing the praises of an Apple Fritter encounter. An old fart getting excited about a buzz got me searching and there was Blimburn seeds to deliver. Yay! I planted 3 on Friday. I ordered some Grape Killer 99 at the same time and there are 3 of them planted. A freebie auto called Amnesia Bubba will be the first of its type in my rooms.
The Apple Fritter the cannabis gods gifted to me at a favorite rest area out toward the Canajun Border was grown by an Alaska licensed producer referred to as 'Scorpion Grass' and sold by an outfit listed as 'Permafrost Distributors'.

The package it came in when I found it lists these criteria:

Strain: Scorpion Apple Fritter Flower

No traces of pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides in testing.

Total THC: 28.06%

Total CBD: 0.00%

THC: 0.42%

THC-A: 31.52%

CBD: 0.00%

CBD-A: 0.00%

CBN: 0.00%

Initial experience with it, having walked back on some moose hunting trails along Bear Creek, east of the Village of Dot Lake, and having maybe 5 or 6 puffs or so on a freshly rolled joint, was that it was way potent (likely contributed to by not being along the lines of the cannabinoid arrays I've been smoking more recently from my own harem), awake, very relaxed and pleasant but not comatose or couch-locked in any way.

DEFINITELY HIGH, however. As it caused me to sit in the vehicle a little bit and listen to tunes for a few minutes before pulling the boat and I back out onto the highway. A 'speed inhibitor' for a few miles, no doubt.

I did think it built a tolerance for me rather quickly, but that might just be me, too

I hope that your seeds develop into something at least as pleasing, buzz.

Edit: I just did a search, and it seems that everything I found for Apple Fritter seeds, which might not be all-inclusive, is for feminized seeds. That was a somewhat disappointing find, frankly, but who knows?
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Well-known member
I just did a search, and it seems that everything I found for Apple Fritter seeds, which might not be all-inclusive, is for feminized seeds. That was a somewhat disappointing find, frankly, but who knows?

Who knows, Dose, Trays. . .

There are three seeds planted, and three more in the fridge on standby. The Amnesia Bubba Auto was up yesterday morning. I was happy to see such a quick sprout since it was planted on Friday the 9th.

The Grape Killer 99 was a BOGO and the Grape was nostalgia leading the way on the purchase. The first plant I harvested was a local favorite flavor named Grape. The buds were airy and open and they smelled like a Nehi grape soda. MamaD and I took our harvest on a visit to her parents' place where we stayed in their pop-up camper that was parked in the driveway. Oh my did we get high! LOL

We shall see


Well-known member
The time goes by quickly around here.

I have spent most of my time the past few weeks attending to the veg side of the grow. The Auto Amnesia Bubba is growing up well. She has not shown pre-flowers yet but it won't be long I suspect.


I potted up some 4" plants to 3 gallon pots. A C99 x Jackberry is female and it was potted up as well. It is front left corner in the photo below.

There are clones on the table that have spent a few days in 12/12 to see if they will show pre-flowers. There are four Soulmate seedlings on the left and the taller plant is another C99 X Jackberry. There are 2" pots in the green trays. Yesterday was their first day outside their domes. I have not looked in on them yet.

Rain from Francine who is spinning far away to our west is approaching. Not a concern for putting up shutters with this storm.


Active member
Hey Buzz!! Your basement is looking wonderful. I don’t recall a time that it didn’t look good.
We have a soulmind, and a Jackberry coming up on eight weeks. When do you like to harvest them? Hippy slayer likes 9 weeks so I am leaning towards 9 weeks for everything


Well-known member
Hey Buzz!! Your basement is looking wonderful. I don’t recall a time that it didn’t look good.
We have a soulmind, and a Jackberry coming up on eight weeks. When do you like to harvest them? Hippy slayer likes 9 weeks so I am leaning towards 9 weeks for everything
Thanks, @Yarddog . That was a Soulmate. Most everything in the grow is on a 9 week schedule. I can move a plant to a corner of the flower room if I want to go longer. That does not happen often. I like the Jackberry cherry scent and buzz. You know Hippy Slayer.

Getting more nervouser here as Helene is about to be born. The line inside of the cone is nearby. YIKES!


Active member
Thanks, @Yarddog . That was a Soulmate. Most everything in the grow is on a 9 week schedule. I can move a plant to a corner of the flower room if I want to go longer. That does not happen often. I like the Jackberry cherry scent and buzz. You know Hippy Slayer.

Getting more nervouser here as Helene is about to be born. The line inside of the cone is nearby. YIKES!
Buzz I’d swear that old girl has your zip code. If she keeps to the plan, she’s headed down your driveway.


Well-known member
Helene brushed by us Thursday. I put up shutters on Wednesday. She turned far enough to the east to spare us a direct hit. We live far away from the coast so storm surge is not a concern. It was the rain and loss of power around 11P that got us. 9.1" from when I emptied 11" of accumulated rain from the previous week. The winds increased at 10P and continued to strengthen as fell asleep. Woke up at 1:30 A and took my flashlight to check things in the house. All good inside so I stepped out on the front porch to heavy driving rain and dark darkness. A very large pecan tree hovers over the house and porch. Its branches were swinging and bending in the gusts. Then I went down to the grow rooms.

I heard the sound of splashing water as I went down to the landing which is elevated two steps above the flower room floor. I stopped at the landing to see water rising, 9 flowering plants all leaning on a 45 angle to the right, floating 1 gallon sprayer, and assorted foam floor tiles. I waded across over ankle-deep water in the room, unlatched the door to the veg room and I had to push hard because of all the flotsam gathered on the other side of the door. There was nothing I could do in the dark with storm force winds and heavy rain. I had to wait for the storm to pass which came just before dawn. I hooked the generator to the transfer switch, grabbed an extension cord, and strung it along the the ceiling and plugged the sump pump in. The water had now risen to just below my knee and was about to reach the level of the landing. Several minutes of pumping drained the 'pool'. I did some minor things like standing the 45 degree leaning flowers to a plumb 90. Stood up a few overturned jugs and left to deal with the mess another day.


Well-known member
Another day happened this morning. Watch the video to see what was left after the flood.



I started with bunching the plants close and then picking up odds and ends and fan spraying tiles and the floor.





I shuffled and moved the plants to lay down the jigsaw puzzle of foam tiles.


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