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  • Seeds Mafia is running a TURBO contest with great prizes! You can check it here.

Going to Toronto


whats up, anybody from toronto on here?
if anybody is from toronto i was just wondering if anybody knew about the ironseedsales.com breeder comptetition that they were having on june 10 and 11. i saw an advertisment for it in hightimes and was just thinking about going.


Active member
Did ya go KYHomegrown ? Interested in the results if ya did. Sounds like a good time & this is the first i am hearing of this event. Do you know if it is an every year thing ?
Have a nice weekend everyone & thanks in advance for any info/replies Peace out 3legs


Active member
I'll be curing a few varities for such events next year. I hope there is an anual event in Toronto since that's driving distance for me :) .

I hope to do some camping in Ontario next summer also. Thanks for responding KYHomeG. :wave:

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