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going koo-koo!



Hey everybody, just a litle view of my current flowering ladies.
Theyve been growing in my once trusty old cabinet, or should I say outgrowing.

I already have had to give away 2 nice specimens of ssh x sweet blue, the next few days I will set up my homebox xl and move the plants in there. Should give em´some more space to unfold.

Lets start with the white rhinos, the first lady out is an annoying, lanky bush it takes up the space of 3 plants, can you believe this lady was topped only once?

The next one is also stretchy, but is narrow and has tight internodal structure, its forming colas and not just nugs like the lanky one.

And the last rhino, the most compact one, I really like the looks smell and structure of this one.



Lets move on to my own cross of bogglegum x black domina, first pheno is bogglegum pheno. Smells just like my bogglegum did.



Next is a giant pheno, black domina stretch! smells like pine, gum and garlic!



This is the medium size pheno tight structure with the narrowest leaves of them all. smells alitle bit more skunky than the others, but still pinegum is the bottom in all the phenos smell.....




I´ve posted theese pics before, but here ya go. Its the last plant in the garden, the ssh x sweet blue I could´nt give away.
Flowered from seed in a 3 liter pot, took two clones when it started flowering, they rooted in 5 days! pretty impressive rootgrowth. its 2 and a half months from seed and maybe 2-4 weeks to go.






wellcome in holly :D my mate!!!

i can see ur step over to coco is going very well! :D

the bogglegum pheno looks like the boggle gum i grew out too :D leafy but resinous - and thosae typical top leaves. hope its got that chewing gum flavour :D grapfruity :D

peace bro
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Well it smells just like my sweet bogglegum did, so I´m hoping the taste is there too.

Just to inform, the litle cabinet in the back is 140 x 100 cm. Its measure for ya ;=)


aaaah is that thing the cabinet!! :p trodde det var en hjembrennings maskin heheh :D

i bet ur new grow room is gonna be much more fun :D

im going to start building on my flowering setup this coming weekend. its gonna be fun :D and im so lucky i got time :D

peace bro
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its my mother cabinet real ghetto, the old flowercloset is 140 x 80 x 210 cm so its too narrow for growing big plants. Especially the 1m wide rhino lol! Hjemmebrenten har vi gjemt en annen plass hehe!


the cabinet looks very similar to what i use now :D

DIY with plastic and duct tape :D cant get better than that hehe :D love it - now im going to make a frame with curtains of mylar to be able to lift them up : i hated the fact this far i couldnt get into every corner that easy. now i will :D its fun :D

hehe with the hjemmebrent :D havent had that for ages :D ah miss those days hehehe :D not :D hehehe i just cant drink anymore :D

peace bro


Thanks gaius!:=)

Picked up my new homebox xl yesterday, I´ll set it up today and post some pics later.

Started ripping out the bottom of my old flowercabinet yesterday and noticed the plastic in the bottom had gotten ripped and water have drenched the wood in the closet, I was gonna use this for veg and mothers.
Now I have to tear down the shitty wet cabinet and build a new veg closet from scratch. Dont want no humungus fungus in my house lol!


shit, i hate when that happens. now i use two layers of pond liner with the special stuff that goes underneath it to protect it additionally, on my floor.

couldn't you dry out your cabinet and make a better waterproof bottom for it? or do you want more space anyway, lol?

i was thinking about making a bloom box at one point and had planned to use that truck tarp you see. i thought get some white truck tarp and you will have a real tough grow box. specially if one would sew some velcro on to the tarp for perfect seals you'd have a wicked grow tent. which would still be easily opened up from any side due to the velcro seals. making it very accessible for plant maintenance.


i allways throw away the wood that gets humidity damage - not fun to have a mould souce in ur grow room is it :D makes me want to use aluminium framing in the future - or treat the wood first. wich ever seems easier or cheaper :D

i make sure my trays are lifted up from the floor so there is airspace - it helps to dry things up a bit :D

gaius - there is velcro from the brand stanley thats like a sticker - sticks to anything and very strong :D but i would line that tarp with mylar to get better reflection.

i used to use white tarp - covered by 2 layers of black plastic - and sure no light came out - but still the reflection factor was a loss.

peace all
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Hey guys how ya doin :wave:

Have´nt moved the plants to the tent yet, I´m waiting for my 600w light to get here. But I cleaned out the bottom of the closet and removed all affected wood bits. Its a drag having to lift the plants out of the closet everytime i water, but its my only option right now. I´m gonna work out a drain solution for the tent also, so I can water the plants without moving them around....


do u have trays? have u tried lifting them up and having space for a bucket or other container etc to collect the spill water?

i have it like this:

the ceramic tiles makes any spill water easy to collect with a towel or mop.

the white trays under there are what is colecting the spill-water. they have room for about 10 liters each. i empty them pretty much everyday.

the wood lifts the trays up about 30-40 cm from the floor. for airflow - and its open so there will be no build up of humidity.

peace :D



i hear you on that. moving the plants around every watering must get old fast. have you thought about those trays they make for balcona planters? they can be different lengths and if you made a small frame to a row of them next to each other you could give them a slight slant towards the door, and make a little hole in the fron end of each tray, then you water tray for tray placing a buckt under the hole of the tray you are watering? or add a rain rill along the front which catches the water from all your trays and leads it to a bucket to collect?

anyway what ever you do i hope you show us.



Hey guys, thanks for the ideas, you move fast lol!

You see the room I have my cabinets/tent in has a very good drain in the floor. I would like to lead run off directly to this drain using pipes. I´ll have to have some sort of collection under the plants and the tubes from this container and out of the tent.
My bad back is preventing me from carrying all the water around, so I´ll have to make a permanent reservoir either with a pump or using gravity to water.
My best option would be drippers maybe, but I dont really need them just growing 4-6 at a time.
We´ll see what I decide on, I´m a slow but thorrow thinker ;) so it might take some time lol!


:D the trays and a rainwater drain half pipe leading the water to the drain?

its excellent to have a drain in the room :D that would be perfect in my growroom :D



heres some pics I took 4 days ago, I´ve been having some problems uploading the last few days. So theese are kind of delayed, maybe I´ll snap some new ones later on today......... :wave: peace and love :Bolt:
Boggleblack big pheno

Boggleblack small bogglegum pheno



Garden overviews



Thanks alot gaiusm. I guess they look allright huh? ;=)
Damn the smell of the bogglegumxblackdomina is just so piney and bubblegum at the same time, all 3 phenos have the excact same smell now and growth pattern. I´m so impressed with the uniformity of this polyhybrid cross, really strange?
Maybe I´ll just name it after the stable aroma from the plants "pinegum" or "pinebubble" has a certain ring to it dont ya think lol!

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