why would the government make something up then do just the opposite of what they should do
SunBursT said:Everyone alive at this moment has been on the earth less than 120 years. In the big picture that is meaninless. Ive heard what the scientest are saying. One of the major causes of global warming is cow farts LMAO
SunBursT said:We are supposed to already be dead from the hole in the ozone that was going to kill us all. Nobody cared so now we get this.
SunBursT said:The # of people who would die from stopping rice production alone is mind boggling.
So you also need to give up Meat.
Breathing aint helping so hold your breath also.
SunBursT said:Hurricaines like katrina have been hitting the New orleans cost long before man was here and will continue long after we are gone.
What im saying is when you get reports that say "Worst winter / drought/ summer EVER" That is straight up BULLSHIT. These people cant tell me what the "Weather" is going to be in 10 friggin days and use word like EVER and IN History. Again I say Bullshit.
SunBursT said:They also throw the word ever around alot. The planet had a much worse warming period in the 13-1600s which scientest dont mention becase it dont jive with man causing Global warming.
SunBursT said:Most of the FREOH which was banned still hasent made it to the atmosphere yet it takes about 50 years to be broken down.
SunBursT said:Many scientest dissagree whith the Global warming scare but are afraid to say anything because the will be attaqcked or loose funding.
A 2003 poll of 530 climatologists in 27 countries showed 34.7 percent of interviewees endorsed the notion that a substantial part of the current global warming trend – which might see temperatures rise by a degree or two, on average, by century’s end – is caused by man’s industrial activities: driving cars and the like.
More than a fifth – 20.5 percent – rejected this "anthropogenic hypothesis." The rest (two-thirds) were undecided.
The skeptics now include the 85 climate experts who signed the 1995 Leipzig Declaration; the 4,000 scientists from around the world (including 70 Nobel laureates) who signed the Heidelberg Appeal, and the 17,000 American scientists who signed the Oregon Petition. (Find these all through Sepp.org or Globalwarminghysteria.com.)
SunBursT said:Danish statistician Bjørn Lomborg, who bought the sky-is-falling scenario until he bothered to check some of the numbers, which led him to do his own research, at which point he wrote the book "The Skeptical Environmentalist" and became the Man The Greens Love to Hate, reminded the folks at Techcentralstation.com last Nov. 30 that most economists believe the projected level of warming would either have no effect or be beneficial.
SunBursT said:Cold weather kills people, Lomborg reminded us. "It is estimated that climate change by about 2050 will mean about 800,000 fewer deaths." And that’s before we even get around to increased food production. (If you want a real climate catastrophe, let’s talk about the next Ice Age, which is due relatively soon.)
SunBursT said:What’s more, scientists at Ohio State University announced Feb. 12 that Antarctic "temperatures during the late 20th century did not climb as had been predicted by many global climate models." In fact, they went down.
SunBursT said:So why would one get the sense from the daily barrage of electronic news that "all experts now agree" the earth is heating catastrophically, and that mankind’s use of fossil fuels is at fault?
SunBursT said:First, pay attention to the wording. Just as many who want American taxpayers to provide welfare schooling and welfare health care for everyone who can walk here from Mexico and points south blithely lie and say their opponents "oppose immigration" – rather than acknowledging the debate is about "illegal immigration" – so are those who aim to cripple the industrial economies of the Western world careful to ridicule those who "deny global warming," instead of acknowledging that most skeptics agree there is indeed some minor warming going on, only objecting to the notion that this is a crisis and that mankind’s activities are primarily "at fault" – along with the corollary nutty prescription that destroying every power plant and automobile in America and Western Europe would make much difference.
SunBursT said:As demonstrated in the book "Unstoppable Global Warming – Every 1,500 Years," by S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery, based on the climate cycle discovered by Dansgaar, Oeschger, and Lorius (who received the Tyler Prize – the "environmental Nobel" – in 1996), those who attribute the bulk of the warming cycle to man’s modern technology willfully ignore the similar fluctuations known to history as the medieval warming period (when Greenland supported Viking farms), the Roman warming period, and the Holocene Climatic Optimum, when SUVs and coal-fired electric plants were notably thin on the ground.
SunBursT said:But the second reason a casual viewer could conclude the skeptics have disappeared is that "Spreading the global warming gospel with unified voice are 12,000 environmental groups controlling about $20 billion in assets," the Tucson-based Doctors for Disaster Preparedness reported last month. In comparison, "Truth seekers have at most a few million, lack the support of the press or Hollywood, and are generally shut out of government-funded schools and universities."
SunBursT said:Which is where the foulest and most inexcusable abuses occur, of course.
In direct contravention of the First Amendment guarantee that our tax dollars will never be spent to impose any "establishment of religion," our children are in fact being spoon-fed the Green doctrine of global warming – memory bytes in doggerel and song – when they’re far too young to bring any critical faculties to bear on this hypothesis.
Spiralling energy costs fueled by green hysteria "have caused the loss of 100,000 jobs in the UK over 18 months," report Doctors for Disaster Preparedness, again citing techcentralstation.com.
Al Gore’s anti-global warming plan would leave the average person 30 percent poorer by 2100, according to the Jan. 18 Wall Street Journal.
The Singer & Avery book points out that scrapping every car, truck and SUV in America would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by only about 2 percent. Meantime, merely extinguishing all the coal deposit fires that continue to burn unchecked around the world would reduce those emissions by 2 to 3 percent. Which is a more sensible thing to try?
Clearly, those who want to cripple our industrial economy have some other motive.
And maybe that explains how shrill they can get in their attempt to silence the hated "climate deniers," who they now liken to "Holocaust deniers."
Meantime, European Union Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas tells the BBC that people should view the battle against climate change as a war – accepting the privations of a wartime economy and expecting millions of casualties.
And we were wondering why we only seem to hear one side of the story, these days? Isn’t that kind of like asking why no one ever stood up in church in early 16th century Europe and started explaining how unlikely it was that these witches were really flying around at night, causing other people’s cows to go dry?
It is dangerous to be right, Voltaire warned us, when those in power are so very wrong.
newbieb said:Do you know about the greenhouse effect?