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girl scout cookie project update

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true grit

Active member
Lol damn homie, some serious hate does come with the cookies. Don't understand why its such a touchy subject to some folks, wow.

Either way, keep up the good work and pumpin the dank my friends. You dudes have never let me down, and im excited to see what ya got going with these cooks.


Well-known member
This is a really funny reply bro. You don't see a problem with a supposed breeder releasing untested fems? Well thats fine if you want to pay top dollar for a gamble, by all means spend the time and money it takes to grow out a pack of these. I will continue to support breeders who take the proper time and put in the testing to make sure a product is top notch before demanding top dollar. Its a shame that people like yourself are the deciding demographic in this industry, if growers did their homework and were a bit more selective then posts like the OP wouldn't fly.... "Oh hey guys, pollen took! Get ready to buy these!! OH BOY!"

If you want to pay to test gear then that's your prerogative, broski, don't hate on us for seeing an obvious fault.

Why do people do selective bitching ?? If your butch about untested seeds go to EVERY breeder doing it not just the select ones u think are lower than others ...

Who died and left you people the righteous kings ? ....how dare u having never never breed on a decent scale even tell a man how to sell his product ?? Where do u get the balls to do so ? ?

If you kno the "practice" and don't like it move along simple ..nobody is forcing you to buy them ..it's this Internet shit ..behind a computer people get carried away ..show them the same respext you would in person.. I wish somebody would tell me how to run my bizzness..I'd tell u where to shove it

And where did all these last minute crusaders come from ?? I've been in here thumb fighting back and forth for days ..and OJD comes and says one line now eveeybody is a GsC crusader
Nobody had shit to say ..I wish u guys woulda spoke up sooner

Ps.whomever is giving people negative reps for voicing there opinion is soooooooo ASS ..and I wanted to let u kno that ..


Why u mad ?
Send me all the negative rep u want ...

Don't forget to pull ya skirt down ya panties are showing miss iron

Im just going to let you keep doin your thing. Why? because you're so good at it.



Id like to grow them, I hope they are available on the bay or boo!

:thank you:


where did anyone take credit for someone elses work? CSG is just giving people what they want. Personally I'll be the first one to spent my hard earned $ on a few packs asap. The whole fun of seeds is the hunt and the endless possibilities.I cant wait!!!!


people always take credit for someone elses work.i say give credit to who ever steps out with it...the guy who brought it out is different than the guy who made it sure..but everyone remembers the guy that introduces it.was ken the inventor of GDP or the guy who made it famous?...we all know and credit him.


Astronaut Status
I will grow anything, bagseed, $100 five packs, s1's, like many others have said it's a roll of the dice and when you win you win(finding a keeper) and when you lose that's life. All of you cutting down this breeder and that breeder, no one has the "real genetics", give me a break bunch of jealous little bitches. GSC sounds awesome and if i had the oppertunity and resources as most of the seed company's do , i'd be selling my crosses as well. Oh and here's how it's done: I took a male darkstar plant from thseeds and pollinated a sugar black rose from delicious seeds, I call it suge night lmao!!!! And as for all you hatin" mofo's if you put half the energy into your grow as you do hating, you'd be growing fire ass dank like the rest of it, get over yourselves. If no one ever took credit for anything, then the rest of us wouldnt know what's out there to broaden our horizons


Astronaut Status
Why is there so much drama over this strain,I must be missing something.
What your missing is that alot of people in these forums who love this plant so much, are ruining it for every one else. We are stoners, we are suppossed to spread love not hate, anyone who can't except the fact that someone else is making money off from something they wish they could, pure jealousy, how do i know this you ask? In my area i grow the best smoke around and because of that i have a list of haters that is a mile long and to the left:thank you:


So why is GSC so sought after? What does it taste like? Is it really that good?

Expected response? UTFSE :comfort:

Still, I feel like the people on this thread will have better input. Thanks!


Active member
So why is GSC so sought after? What does it taste like? Is it really that good?

Expected response? UTFSE :comfort:

Still, I feel like the people on this thread will have better input. Thanks!

I've never grown any of their lines, but know people who have and they rave it. Go to their section in this forum and check out the grow reports and so on... made me want to buy some.. never have tho.. they've got a special going on the bay right now, you buy one of their packs and get 3 (might be 4) strains for free!!

mgk :tiphat:


I've never grown any of their lines, but know people who have and they rave it. Go to their section in this forum and check out the grow reports and so on... made me want to buy some.. never have tho.. they've got a special going on the bay right now, you buy one of their packs and get 3 (might be 4) strains for free!!

mgk :tiphat:

Good words MGK, so are you saying GSC has it's own section here at the icmag forums, GSC as in girl scout cookies? I'm curious on what the hype on it is. Is it the high? The flavor to it? Both?

As for CSG, I trust their work for good quality, just curious about all this hype on CSG's GSC's if you know what I means :alien:

So what's the big deal on em' girl scout cookies eh?


Good words MGK, so are you saying GSC has it's own section here at the icmag forums, GSC as in GS Cookies? I'm curious on what the hype on it is. Is it the high? The flavor to it? Both?

As for CSG, I trust their work for good quality, just curious about all this hype on CSG's GSC's if you know what I means :alien:

So what's the big deal on em' GS Cookies eh?


I've only tried that one gram there, super potent, took a bonghit and didnt need to finish the bowl til a couple hours later. I've tasted better, but I don't think I've had anything that potent, 'cept for hash. Hash-like potency in tasty looking nuggets is what all the rage is about.


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I've only tried that one gram there, super potent, took a bonghit and didnt need to finish the bowl til a couple hours later. I've tasted better, but I don't think I've had anything that potent, 'cept for hash. Hash-like potency in tasty looking nuggets is what all the rage is about.

Thanks whiteberries!

that pic reminds me of a recent purplewreck pheno, but with more frost.

Well sorry the reversal didn't go as planned, good on the guys at CSG for being honest and not trying to pawn something else off as the gs cookies to make a $.

For now I'll be plenty occupied trying the other strains. Next up is to see what Casey Jones is all about.

Happy Holidaze!
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