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Ghostrider OG Test Grow


ICMag Donor
just gotta start things off by sayin thanks to karma for the opportunity to test these beans!!:dance013:

threw all 12 down to soak in a shot glass on 7-19. dropped em in root riots 24 hours later. as of right now we have 8 above ground in cups. one more is about to break ground and of the other 3 left in dome 2 are looking to break come up eventually. gonna veg these under (2) 2ft 4bulb t5's and flower around the 4 week mark. i keep things somewhat simple. smart pots, sunshine #4, perlite and dolomite lime. nutes are pbp grow, bloom, floralicious+, hygrozyme and hydroplex once a week during flower. water is always ph'd to 6.8-6.9. thats about it. ill be back in a few days or so with another update :)



ICMag Donor
sup bro? you know im watchin this. a ghostrider for a ghostnugz lol

just chillen bro, smoking some of that pre98 :joint:

yeah with your username it was ment to be.

when i told my girl i got picked to test em she said "well of course!!" hahaha oh yea i was thinking it was meant to be as well :)

took these late last night. about 10 days out from the initial soak. ended up with 8/12 when all was said and done. was hoping for more but that not a bad ratio. 2 were floaters so i knew theyd never come up. 1 smaller runt. gonna keep her/him around to see if it picks up. the other 7 are looking awesome. two in particular are almost twice the size of the others!. maybe males? well see!!

been feeding with pbp, hygrozyme and calmag+ @400 ppm. will bump up to around 550 in a few days. just wanna wait for some more growth. theyre really taking off at this point so it shouldnt be long. will probably need an up pot in 10-14 days.


ICMag Donor

missed a picture of one. was tired as hell last night when i took these.
one mutant(last pic). will probably bin it soon unless it picks up. two(3rd pic) have a slight leaf curl/deformity that kinda looks like clawing but not really. still growing at a nice rate though. the rest are all looking awesome.


pit wisper/ rare strain collector
man where do i get ahold of these ogz? i keep seeing all these crazy og crosses i need to get my hands on these.


ghost in training
I think i herd Karma say sometime in november he'll be releasing his new gear. Hope that helps

Great lookin babies ghostnug! Good luck to you


Those are looking great Ghostnugz!! Those things are growing at an incredible rate!! Looking at the pics from your first post, then the next two sets! Unbelievable!! This will be very exciting to watch all these test grows progress over the next few months!


ICMag Donor

sorry for the lack of updates, life happens i guess...

anyways things are rolling along nicely. almost 1 month from germing these. gonna transplant tomorrow into 1 and 2 gal smart pots(whatever i have left laying around). hopefully theyll laydown some nice roots and be ready to flip by end of the month.

out of the 7 i have left, #3 is the clear winner so far. this plant fucking STINKS. ridiculous dead skunk/fuel smell. ive never had a plant in veg stink this bad. a few others have a nice og smell but this one puts em all to shame. very nice structure as well. high hopes for this one :)


ICMag Donor
I love early stinkers, that's always a good sign.

me too! its the one thing i really look for in young plants. a few other have very nice og/kushy smells, but this is just next level stank. i have only read about this kind of funk in young plants so its very exciting to finally have one in the garden.


Active member
me too! its the one thing i really look for in young plants. a few other have very nice og/kushy smells, but this is just next level stank. i have only read about this kind of funk in young plants so its very exciting to finally have one in the garden.

hope its a grl. good luck stinky


ICMag Donor
doing some work in the garden right now, just got my first confirmed lady!!!! had to come post this awesome news:dance013::dance013: ill post up some pictures in a few hours:tiphat:


Active member
doing some work in the garden right now, just got my first confirmed lady!!!! had to come post this awesome news:dance013::dance013: ill post up some pictures in a few hours:tiphat:

ur gonna make me wait a few hrs? lol we love them ladys. what number?


ICMag Donor


here she is, the first lady, appropriately #1 :)

most vigor and best structure out of all the plants. not quite the stank as #3 but i doubt much is gonna top that. this one ws easily my second favorite. ill post up a better update tomorrow. its getting late and i gotta work in the am.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
When it comes to MJ the funk seems to give you something to look forward to. Keep it rolling.....


ICMag Donor
late on the updates lately. up potted these 4 last night to 1 gal smart pots. have two males left in veg, one is less than impressive. probably bin it soon. still have the runt around as well. veg tent was getting crowded like crazy and space just opened up in flowering i put these 4 in last night. only #1 is a confirmed lady, the rest havent shown anything(usually a good thing). all are stinky, #3 is still the winner so far in the department but #1 is a little more vigorous and has better structure.







ICMag Donor
day 5 group shots

day 5 group shots

took some clones off these. ended up with 3/4 girls from the ones i put into flowering. #3(stinky) ended up being the male. definitely keeping him around ;) #1 is the best lookin lady of the bunch. big and awesome og smells. #10 & #12 are nice but dont have the structure and vigor that #1 has

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