I would like to get some thoughts about growing near or along an interstate highway. This particular highway is in a rural area, not very busy and there are huge sections of it that divide the opposite direction lanes. Some dividers (medians) are very large and heavily wooded. One spot in particular I can access from a county route that runs diagonal under the the interstate. From the road it slopes up and the elevation is considerably higher than the road. There is no way the plants could be seen from the highway. South facing woodline. No risk of hunters. The nearest farm is several hundred yards of the "drop" point. I would have to have a partner drop me off and pick me up because there is no safe place to park. I need to get my boots on the ground and scope it out better (morel hunting) but to me it looks like a beautiful spot. That must mean that I am not taking something into account. What am I missing?
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