Been getting F'd in the A for a while by these guys. Way too long really. Got a room going 3 weeks into flower and I wanna be DONE with these guys! What's my best chance? Heat treatments? Bleach/iso spray everywhere? Gotta have no plants for a certain length of time and start over from seed? Kinda over trying to get clones from anywhere. I don't get down with hookers bare back so why would I take clones into a (hopefully going to be) clean room?
Thanks for your advice all, about at my wits end with this horseshit. Worst pest ever so far!
Been trying flying skulls nuke em recently, anybody else been down that route?
Thanks for your advice all, about at my wits end with this horseshit. Worst pest ever so far!
Been trying flying skulls nuke em recently, anybody else been down that route?