I crushed up 3 dunks and mixed them into about 35-40 gallons of my lc mix. Right in with the ammendments. I let it sit for a few weeks, kept it moist, and then transplanted into 3 gallon pots. I have zero fungus gnats... been about 2 months now.
Before that, my soil had been sitting in a sealed tub inside the house. When I opened it up, there were about 900,000,000 gnats flying out of it.
I may have to add some more to the top in a month or so, but I am going to wait and see.
Thanks for this thread and the Dunks.......
You are Quite Welcome! Thanks for the report! I started studying these durn gnats, and wanted to share my research on them. It do WORK!
I tried these things and they worked. Finally gnat free. I took a while but there all gone. I crumble them in my mix and any new soil I bring home. Thanks for the tip.
Yes, it does take a while, but once gnat free, adding dunk to new soil will always keep them from coming BACK!
I am SO going to use these in my recycles FFOF. These bastards have been hanging around ever since I got a bullshit grand daddy purple clone and they never really caused me any issues UNTIL recently. I think they got up in numbers and are fuckin shit up.
mosquito dunks to the rescue AND I am going to crumble one up and toss it in my recycled soil bin and mix it around. Would it be better to mix it in or just top soil?
Good deal! I dunno. If it was me, I would crumble it and sprinkle all over the top and then mix it in a little so the wind doesn't blow it away... So I guess, BOTH! lol.
They are pretty expensive, but I have had gnats eat a whole batch of seedlings. They will eat a bean's roots to the point it never recovers.
I wonder if it will kill those winged root aphids? I don't wanna hafta try that myself...
I'd say if it crawls in the medium as larvae, it will be likely in trouble!
Too bad Miracle Grow and these soil companies don't use this at the factory to keep us from gettin them in the first place!