I'm germinating from bag seeds. Most were abused but some missed out on abuse. I filtered out all the ones that were visibly cracked. They came from someone who used a grinder on most of the seeds, and some of the seeds were taken out of a vaporizer after it was used. I expected a very low germination rate.
4 days ago, I put 6 in water. When they sunk I transferred them to peat. They have yet to pop out of the peat.
2 days ago, I put 6 more in water and then transferred them to a moist paper towel in a plastic bag.
Yesterday I put 6 more in a moist paper towel in a bag.
How long should I wait for the seeds in the paper towel to pop and sprout a taproot?
How long should I wait for the peat seeds to pop out from the soil?
I have around 8-10 more seeds. should I go ahead and put them into a paper towel? I just need 1 female so I can go clone a mommy.
4 days ago, I put 6 in water. When they sunk I transferred them to peat. They have yet to pop out of the peat.
2 days ago, I put 6 more in water and then transferred them to a moist paper towel in a plastic bag.
Yesterday I put 6 more in a moist paper towel in a bag.
How long should I wait for the seeds in the paper towel to pop and sprout a taproot?
How long should I wait for the peat seeds to pop out from the soil?
I have around 8-10 more seeds. should I go ahead and put them into a paper towel? I just need 1 female so I can go clone a mommy.