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germany pictures


Active member
WOOHOO! Nice plants, maroc is beast(very nice beast), and grapefruit is huge beauty lol! Peace K+++ Havent u been member of OG Blotto?!


yes i was.....not very long but i was there when this beautiful site was going down.
thanks for the props....i'll have a look if i find some more pics.


Servus Blotto :wave:
Nice Plants :smile: the grapefruits were really huge and vital... what breeder are they from?

OT: Ist das der Strange Days Film (Dokumention) ? Suche nämlich schon lange danach und habs bis jetzt nirgends gefunden...



thanks wamen....eheh no photoshop baby! :)

philo....grapefruits, marocs and cindys from female seeds....fantastic genetics and 100% fermale

und nein, das is leider nich der film sondern das tape...sorry

uploaded some more pictures........

another ak 48

a plant from the magical mystery mix

the last standing maroc (will be chopped at the weekend)


and the crazy cinderella....these two tops are growing out of the same plant...does anybody know how weird things like this can happen?



Good to know Grapefruit works outdoor here, got a few veggin right know and till next outdoor season i will have a mother ready...
Are the pics from this year? the date is a bit irritating...
Again: very nice grow :joint:


yes they are from this year. i'm just too lazy to change the date every time i take some pictures, so i never change it.
and yes they work surprisingly good. i think they will be ready in 2-3 weeks and the smell is already unimaginable delicious!!!! :yummy:
but the best for outside i think is the maroc because it finishes a month earlier when the weather is not so shitty but we will see how they are compared to each other them when everything is dried and cured.

you will definatly find a nice mother.i wish i could grow inside..... :badday:
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Active member
QUOTE BLOTTO:"and the crazy cinderella....these two tops are growing out of the same plant...does anybody know how weird things like this can happen?"

HI MAN...i've experienced the same thing in a CINDERELLA F2(gn collection03) plant grow outside in my garden....and after i've take a look to find what branches are there in this little flower i 've that it's not a main cola.
And for sure it will turn yellow before the other main branches,when the sugars are transported to the upper parts of the plant.(u could experience this in many more plants...especially when u prune a lot during the growth stage.)

i think it's totally normal ...due to the distribution\sharing of power in the metabolism of the plant.just like in the traffic when some street are full of cars and some others not.

peace ...fili

ps ...i suppose u live in the south of deutschland....great healty plants

this is my cindy outdoor on first days of september

soon i can share more pictures....ciaooooooo
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filimagno said:
QUOTE BLOTTO:"and the crazy cinderella....these two tops are growing out of the same plant...does anybody know how weird things like this can happen?"

HI MAN...i've experienced the same thing in a CINDERELLA F2(gn collection03) plant grow outside in my garden....and after i've take a look to find what branches are there in this little flower i 've that it's not a main cola.
And for sure it will turn yellow before the other main branches,when the sugars are transported to the upper parts of the plant.(u could experience this in many more plants...especially when u prune a lot during the growth stage.)

i think it's totally normal ...due to the distribution\sharing of power in the metabolism of the plant.just like in the traffic when some street are full of cars and some others not.

peace ...fili

ps ...i suppose u live in the south of deutschland....great healty plants

this is my cindy outdoor on first days of september

soon i can share more pictures....ciaooooooo
Now that's a tree!!!! :woohoo:


jo fili,
sounds logical...and a very nice cindy indeed.
one reason may be that my father topped her.

and no i´m growin very high in the north at about 55°....now the weather is damn shitty up here and the grapes are beginning to loose their wonderful aroma.think i have to cut them down before it gets worse.

where is your beautiful cindy growing?


Active member
take a look to pm folder...or simply watch more good the title of my thread EHEHEH

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