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Georgia House Speaker Ralston hopes for quick vote on medical marijuana bill

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
File Under: This Bill Is Weak, Underpowered and damned near worthless in its current form. That said, it is a step in the right direction. No mention of Curt Thompson's Legalzation Bill has been discussed in the MMM or local press since January. Its like they are COMPLETLY igniring this bill is on the Senate Floor. Meanwhile , Rep Peakes bill looks like a go , even though Governer Darth Deal has threatened to veto it in its current form.

This is good news for the families of victims whove fought steadfastly for this cause.

Georgia House Speaker David Ralston says he hopes both chambers will vote this week on a bill allowing people with any of eight medical conditions to use a type of medical marijuana.

Ralston told The Associated Press in an interview Friday that he’d rather not wait until the final week of the legislative session to consider that bill. Lawmakers hope to wrap up the session’s 40 working days April 2.

After an emotional, lengthy hearing Thursday, a Senate committee approved a bill granting legal use of cannabis oil for cancer, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, seizure disorders, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, mitochondrial disease, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease and sickle cell anemia. A House version sponsored by State Rep. Allen Peake, R-Macon, would also have allowed people with fibromyalgia to use the oil but the Senate panel cut that diagnosis.

The bill is on the Senate’s floor calendar for Tuesday. Peake said Monday that if the Senate makes no further changes, he will urge House members to back it and get the bill to Gov. Nathan Deal within the day.

Read More:http://chronicle.augusta.com/news/m...lston-hopes-quick-vote-medical-marijuana-bill

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