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GEORGIA: 62% of voters want decriminalization


62% of Georgia Voters Support Ending Criminal Penalties for Pot
Over Half Support Legalizing It For Adults

Atlanta, GA- A new statewide poll shows that 62% of Georgia voters endorse eliminating criminal penalties for possession by adults of less than one ounce of pot, and replace it with a $100 civil fine,
without the possibility of jail time. Further, more than half of all Georgia voters now support regulating the legal consumption and retail sale of marijuana for those age 21 and over.
In 2012, voters in Colorado and Washington approved similar regulations in their states.
The poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP) was commissioned by state affiliates of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, Georgia NORML, and Peachtree NORML.
“The citizens of Georgia agree, marijuana prohibition is a wasteful and destructive policy. It is time for our state to catch up with public opinion and find a more sensible solution to the status quo,” said Sharon Ravert, the organization’s Executive Director.
Peachtree NORML and other advocacy groups are working with lawmakers and various state coalition groups to amend Georgia’s criminal marijuana laws. In 2010, some 32,500 Georgians were arrested for violating marijuana laws, according to the FBI. That is the sixth highest total of any state in America.
Fifty-seven percent of voters supported legalizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes. State lawmakers have indicated interest in studying this legal option. Ravert welcomes the discussion but believes that “this issue [medical marijuana] is complex,” and that the process could take years.
“Decriminalization, which received the highest level of support among those polled is a policy that could be enacted immediately and would provide legal protection to not only patients but those unfairly targeted by the current policy. This is not about getting high, this is about protecting sick people and everyone else from arrest using a harm reduction strategy with public safety as a top priority.” The organization has found support for medical cannabis as well as regulations models from several elected officials.
Sharon Ravert can be reached for comment at [email protected] or 706-525-9970

Public Policy Polling
Georgia NORML/Peachtree NORML
Poll: January 6th-7th, 2014
Summary of Results

While the majority of Georgia voters support a marijuana legalization policy similar to that of Colorado and Washington (54%), however a larger majority supports decriminalization. 62% of respondents believe that the state should remove criminal penalties for possession of less than one ounce of pot, and replace it with a $100 civil fine, without the possibility of jail time. Only 32% were opposed. Significantly, 56% of seniors, and republicans respectively, were among that nearly two-thirds majority. Women, who made up 53% of all respondents, were far more likely to support
decriminalization (60%), over outright legalization (48%); while 59% of males support full legalization, indicating an 11 point gender gap in the support for a Colorado/Washington model in the state of Georgia. However, there is only a 3-point difference when it comes to replacing the current penalties with a civil infraction (64% men to 61% women). As for electability, 56% of those questioned will either be more likely to vote in favor of a pro-reform candidate, or be unaffected by a candidate’s pro-reform position. Further,
over a quarter of those polled stated that they would be more likely to vote for a proreform candidate. This suggests that taking such a position could positively affect the turnout, and outcome of a close election, especially on a local level.
Peachtree NORML and Georgia NORML, both are Georgia state affiliate of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, commissioned Public Policy Polling (PPP) to run the survey, which was conducted on January 6th and 7th 2014.
**Only 9% of respondents were millennials. This demographic is known to be overwhelmingly supportive of this issue, but the limited pool show great support among other age groups. 71% of those questioned were between the ages of 30 and 65 which
shows that older generations, who are more likely to vote, are also strongly in favor of marijuana law reform - particularly decriminalization.**

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