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Geographic acclimatization



I'm searching for documentation on geographic acclimatization of cannabis in breading. My goal would be to acclimatize strains from 30ish latitude to around 45ish.
In the process I would like to retain as much of it's original profile/characteristics as possible. I'm not interested in making a hybrid with local strain and work from there. What I would like to achive is pure acclimatization of strain over generations. I could probably grow up to 200 or 300 maybe more plants per season.

Duable or not? How long would it take?


The plants genes do not really change by acclimatization, they do change by selection by the environment or by man.
An easy way to do what you want is to make a F1 hybrid between the early and the later maturing varieties. Then self the F1 population, (the more plants the better) to make a batch of F2 seeds.
Grow out the F2 seeds and find the earliest plants that is the most like the later variety or what you like. Make clones of the best.
So it takes three growing seasons, and is easy to do...



Sam, it's an honor.

The plants genes do not really change by acclimatization, they do change by selection by the environment or by man.

Perhaps I misused words. By acclimatization I meant environment adaptation of plant. Climate change => acclimatization :)
In parallel to that I would also select individuals with wanted traits.

An easy way to do what you want is to make a F1 hybrid between the early and the later maturing varieties. Then self the F1 population, (the more plants the better) to make a batch of F2 seeds.
Grow out the F2 seeds and find the earliest plants that is the most like the later variety or what you like. Make clones of the best.
So it takes three growing seasons, and is easy to do...


Yes. I was aware of this option with hybridization and as I stated above I wouldn't really want to go that way. Main reason is I'm 'scarred" I would lost original traits forever in subsequent generations and induce to many unwanted traits from "local" plant. Maybe I'm mistaken and this is a better way to go. I don't really know.

I recently read about the Afropis Malawi Gold grow from BillyBlog that he grew in northern Australia @ around 27 deg lat. Effects of that strain are something of a holly grail for me. His description is exactly what I'm looking for in this plant we grow. Goal would be to adapt it to 45ish latitude so it can finish at reasonable times...

Anyway ... I need some sound advice from people that already went trough this kind of process. I'm aware environment change can also alter plants traits but I'm willing to take that risk. I'm also aware that this could be a lifelong project.

Green Supreme

Well-known member
I sent Sweet Skunk and Texada Timewarp cuts to Spain last fall. Those cuts have been grown exclusively here on the BC coast. I am interested to see how they change over there in time. Peace GS

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