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Gary Johnson Calls for Obama to Stop Marijuana Criminalization


ICMag Donor
Gary Johnson Calls for Obama to Stop Marijuana Criminalization
By: Kevin Derby | Posted: February 18, 2014 4:59 PM

Former Gov. Gary Johnson of New Mexico called on President Barack Obama to take major federal action to decriminalize marijuana on Tuesday. After spending most of his career as a Republican, Johnson was the Libertarian Party’s presidential candidate in 2012 and has left the door open to running again in 2016.

“One of the greatest offenses against liberty over the past several decades is the failed War on Drugs,” Johnson emailed supporters on Tuesday. “Millions of lives have been adversely impacted by arrests and convictions for simple possession of marijuana, and billions of tax dollars have been spent prosecuting Americans for a simple choice that even President Obama admits is no more harmful than consuming an alcoholic beverage.”

Johnson insisted there was a quick remedy Obama could enact to end the criminalization of marijuana. “What many don’t realize is that the president and the attorney general have the authority right now -- today -- to remove marijuana from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act,” Johnson insisted. “Taking this common-sense step would effectively end the criminalization under federal law of simple marijuana possession.

“I have advocated this overdue ‘reclassification’ for years,” Johnson continued. “With a majority of Americans now favoring the legalization of marijuana, two states having voted to legalize it, and several others considering doing so, the time has come for the president to act. As I have said many times, the American people are ready to do the right and smart thing, but where are the politicians? To date, with few exceptions, they have been ‘missing in action’ on this issue.”

Johnson praised 18 members of the U.S. House who wrote Obama last week to “remove marijuana from Schedule I under the Controlled Substances Act” and the former New Mexico governor said he gave that effort his “wholehearted support.” Johnson plans to use his Our American Initiative group to help that effort.

“Liberty means being free of government prosecution for simple personal choices that do no harm to others,” Johnson insisted. “More than 100 million Americans have, at one time or another, made the simple choice to use marijuana. Isn’t it time to stop calling those Americans criminals?”


More momenrum. Turning up the heat is an excellent idea since the President is in his second term...a change gonna come

Baked Alaskan

I would love to see this happen but there are large groups of people who wont even think about switching the class or making it legal. I'm currently living in the prohibition state of South Dakota, they hate cannabis here, hate it. I joke but it's kinda true; it will only be legal here if the duck dynasty guys tell the people to legalize it. The upcoming vote may be that ill people will still be arrested but can use a medical defence.

Hopefully people here will realize the government has been lying to them and start to think on their own about cannabis or better yet hemp.


Active member
Once cannabis is removed or downgraded from Schedule 1 it will have an immediate effect on the DEA. They would no longer be able to justify their War on marijuana users and growers. It will also have a huge effect on the science of cannabis since it will allow many more researchers to study it in the US.

And of course it would mean most states would have to change their own laws to comply with the Federal law or they will be challenged in courts across the country.

It would also mean so many LEOs will lose their jobs, the whole marijuana suppression industry would fall apart. So many ppl could get released from jail eventually. And LEO will lose out on all the property confiscations that have provided a huge incentive to bust ppl for marijuana.

So you can be sure they (DEA) will fight this with everything they have. It's about time someone DEFANGED the DEA!


Active member
Legalizing pot would clean up the law enforcement industry--the contraction in size would make the market competitive. No more hiring substandard cops and agents; everything would tighten up. I am SURE pot will be legalized on a federal level eventually, but it's going to be a while.

It's pot. I don't see what the big deal is. People can grow it in their yards. lol


Active member
It's pot. I don't see what the big deal is. People can grow it in their yards. lol
Yes, and people could also grow opium poppies in their yards too, but that is also illegal. It's all about protecting the profits of Big Pharma!

I don't mean to change the subject, but it made me think of all the opium addicts (most now get hooked by prescription opiates!), who can't afford the prescription meds and have to turn to heroin on the street. Of course Philip Seymour Hoffman comes to mind.

See there are indirect (and sometimes deadly) consequences to this War on Drugs and prohibition that is far worse than the drugs they prohibit.

Fortunately, it seems that some of our politicians are finally seeing the light.


Active member
At least people get some leeway for growing poppies...grandmas don't get their doors kicked in and assets seized for a few plants in the yard!


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
At least people get some leeway for growing poppies...grandmas don't get their doors kicked in and assets seized for a few plants in the yard!

yea, i know some old ladies that grow papaver somniferum (opium poppy) in their gardens because they like the beautiful flowers....


Active member
Dear Barrack, Please follow Mr. Johnson's suggestion and do it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peace and respect growers and tokers.

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