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Ganoderma grows once more


This is going to be the frame for my medical grow, its 4'x5'x5. I intend to divide the space up into a 3'x4'x5' room, leaving the other side at 2'x4'x5'.
The 2'x4' room is going to be for veg., which will have a 2'x4'x1ish' space build into the top for my clone room. the room is a newly built, and most of the gear that i have is stuff left over from the last time i grew which was three years ago.

what you see there sitting on the floor is my 400w hps that I've had for the last 8 years, I had to check to see if it still worked after being in storage for three years, and for a little temp. lighting. I have a 250w MH, 400w HPS, and a 1000w HPS (which a friend gave me, I havent ever used it).

this is the 250w MH, I just finnished build this unit last week. I put a switch on it so that there is means disconnecting the power flow right at the ballast, instead of having to reach over to where ever the timer might be plugger into.

now next to the switch is a GFI, the ballast is wired in on the load. So if the GFI trips it kills the power the ballast. I don't intend to plug any thing into the GFI, so the GFI will only be protecting the ballast.

I know that the room is not finished yet, but its going to be like another 6-8 weeks till i'll flower any of them. besides i'm out of money for a couple of weeks.

these are the beans that i have to work with, I've started 3 Hash Plant, 3 Blue Moonshine, 3 Buddha's Sister. one of the Hash Plants didn't make it after sprouting.

yesterday after i got home i found one of the Buddha's Sister had just fell over like some thing had snapped the stem but i'm the only one that has access, so that rules out any out side factors. But when I got home today the plant below the one in the picture(i just haven't taken a pic yet today) it had done the same thing, also a Buddha's Sister, which leaves me with one.
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What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
looks like a nice room what kind of venting you going to use??? :wave:


I could be wrong but that looks like coco you're growing in. The whole system looks great. What nutrients do you plan on using/ what watering schedule? I'm asking because I'm planning a coco grow and it seems that there are 1,000,000 ways to skin that cat and almost all of them seem to be effective.


MR big-for venting I have these-

the in-line fan is a 220cfm and then there is the good old Stanley blower. I intend to get an air cooled hood for the flowering room. I'm not sure what the venting needs will be for the veg room yet. I have an vent pipe (6") that used to vent a gas furnace, but only the vent pipe is left today. venting really isn't an issue right now as its only 68 F, with the 250 on

Fatal1- yeah it coco coir, this is the first time that i've used it. I'm just planning on using it for starting the seedlings untill the point that i feel they are strong/big enough to be switched over to a hydro system. i havent made my mind up on how i'm going to set the hydro system up. to start the seedling of i've mixed up a very weak solution of this
i've used this stuff before, but with soil. with watering/feedings i'm just playing it by ear till i get back to a hydro system which i've had more hands on time with. my main nutes are going to be B.C. line of nute from Technalfora. I havent used any of these new supplements, so i don't know if i'll use any of them.


Here are todays pics.
The Buddha's sister in the center looks the best so far.
I have also started more beans, 3 hash plants and 3 buddhas sister. one of the Buddha's sister beans was cracked, and i'm waiting for 3rh hash plant bean to pop.

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here are some pics from sunday night. I set up my seedling tray with a timer set to 3 floods a day for a duration of 5 min.

i filled the res up with 6 gallons of water and mixed my nutes at 1/3 of what BC recomends, and set the ph to 5.8. To night i found the buddhas sister to have some type of leaf damage(will load pic tomorrow), i think that the nutes are to strong so i added 2 more gallons of water. ph read at 7.2 which i adjusted down to 6.0

oh, and by the way i've had then on 24/7 lighting

So far the buddhas sister smells way more than any of the others, then blue moonshine #2 is the smelliest of the blue moonshines and i dont remember which hash plant smelt the most out of the two hash plants.


heres the buddhas sister

the two Hash Plant

the Blue Moonshine, plant #1 is showing what look like male pre-flowers but not sure yet, plant#2 is also looking like a male, plant#3 is a female!
I intend to collect pollin from all of the males and make some seeds.



The two hash plants appear to have female prefowers starting to show up. The two blue Moonshines that i said look like to be males, well today i'd say that there is no dought in my mind that they are males!


construction up date #1

construction up date #1

I just got time to do a little bit of the work that i need to do to get the room ready so that i could switch some plants over from veg to flowering

this will be the veg room (2'x4' -with in a inch or two after splitting the room)

this will be the flowing room but untill i have plants ready for 12/12 this will be where the yveg out.
I have a new radiant 6" air cooled hood that will be going into this room some time in the near future.

and now the room, re-loaded,



well I was wrong obout the two blue moonshines that i thought were both males, turns out that only one is a male, and the other, a female.

in the picture in the last post that i made, the farest plant on the right(one of the 2week younger plants) one of the hash plants, it is looking like it will be a male.

about a week ago i transplanted into those 3.75inch net pots with grow rocks filling the space around the coir, once the roots have grown out more they all will be going into bubblers.


construction up date 2

construction up date 2

well, i got some time this weekend to get some more work done to the box,

I got the walls in the flower room closed in, there were some things that i wasn't able to get finnished

All plants have been switched over to DWC containers. I just got a TDS (.5 scale)pen, I'm used to using EC meters, in the containers the higherst TDS reading is 932, the lowwes



Okay so i got the new hood up at the first of the week, its a Radiant 6" air cooled hood. I have 6" ducting connected from the hood to the just before the blower where i have placed a 6" to 4" reducer, then an other 4" to 6" reducer to connect the fan onto the carbon scrubbers 6" flang.

I can not believe the amount of air that is being sucked into the open end of the hood. I can hold my hand with in inches of the glass before i can feel and heat from the bulb, but its not enough to be uncomfortable on my hand. I'm going to try to get the 400w HPS swaped in to the hood in the next 7 days.

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Day 11 (12/12)

M to F ratio 1:1 ; 3 hash plants, 1 blue moonshine, 1 buddhas's sister- females.

pic from day 6

pic day 11 (after transplanting into buckets)


Okay, so i havent posted here on this thread in a while.

Here is the up-date

I've had problems since the last post on this thread,

first problem was air pumps breaking, the white piece that you place the air hose onto, is what kept breaking on all (well, most)of the air pumps.

I lost one of the Hash Plants to the air pumps breaking, and almost lost the blue Moonshine, but she pulled out of it and lived.

Then I found that i had some how gotten spider mites. they first showed up on the Buddhas Sister. I thought that i had got ride of them, but the little basterds have hung on and I still have them hanging around the garden. I'm going to get some spider mite predators to take care of this problem once and for all.

I never was able to get any clones going, i guess that i never got the conditions just right for how i was trying to root them.

I pulled the blue moonshine 5days early so that i could attempt to reveg it.

Out of the two Hash Plants that made it to harvest i picked # 5 over # 2. taste and smell.

The Buddhas Sister was harvested just over the weekend, and i have to say that I'm impressed, with every thing that it got hit with and it still produced some nice sized nugs. Oh, i replaced the 400hps to a 1000w for the last 2 weeks which only the Buddhas Sister got to partake of.

The Buddhas Sister,

I guess that i havent loaded the hash plant pics, so i'll try to get around to getting them loaded here in a while.