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Funktastic SOLID oil


Active member
****first off this is not my method and you can thank those like tug....I just know how to follow directions!

So everyone knows how to extract thc using butane or iso so I will skip that step (if you dont know how, you should, and that means lots of reading) directly after you have a thick extraction liquid you should transfer to a hot water bath in the same dish you extracted in and then repeat until it is hot enough that the oil has less viscosity. this makes it easy to scrape up and throw in the smaller corningware dish and saves your fingertips

once you have it all in the dish make another hot water bath and place it into the water for a few min then stir, then repeat about 3 times at least and...Bam! eventually when you go back to stir....it will be solid....thats when I chop it up or make a nice pice of art....



man that shit looks gooey!!! .... so your going from solid>liquid>solid(looks like bubble thats just finished drying)

Nice end product tho... i might have to try it... i just don't think i can let myself take some nice red/honey oil and make it into powdery form. :D looks to nice in the viles

do you loose smell/taste with this method, or does it make it smoother?

nice gallery btw :)


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Looks good so far but are you meaning solid as in paste? I got a honey oil how to in my sig for those that need it.

PS. This was a honey oil snake i made...it is not bubble,and it's solid

Now that i reread your post i think you mean solid as in you can handle it...i bet it's smooth.
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I make BHO all the time.... I use a copper pipe about a inch thick and 4 inches long... I have tried to get my fluid so thick...I pack the buds down in the chamber and nothing....mine comes out light yellow....any suggestions?


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
nice...it looks like wet sand to me...but tastier


Active member
this is actually made from ground up bc commercial crap, and I dont quite understand your question....the liquid that comes out of the tube is light yellow but then you put the whole dish into a big tupperware container full of HOT water, I mean hot like over 130 degrees but not boiling and the tane all bubbles out leaving just the bubbley syrup stuff then you reheat it again on a fresh hot water bath and scrape while still hot because then it just will fall off the razor and you can transport it to a smaller container but be careful you dont want to drop that shit and lose it. it thickens up and initally darkens as the tane leaves the mix but if you stir it and heat it with the water baths over and over eventually u will end up with what u might call budder or bho paste. Have to give thanx to TUG for the method