Lights: 250W CFL's (2" above seedlings)
Growing Medium: FoxFarm Ocean Forest, ReadyGro Aeration Formula, CoCo
Nutes: B'Cuzz Foliar Spray
Age: 4-8 days old (seedlings)
Notes: I added some Rainbow Mix Grow on the top layer of soil 2 days ago. This morning when I checked on them I noticed that there is fungal growth on the top layer of soil. Its semi-translucent and is very white/clear, reminiscent of a spider web. I don't know what the hell caused this, as I've never had a problem with fungus ever, nor have I ever heard of a report of fungus this early on. I've had them at a friends since starting these, and they told me they've been smoking several cigarettes in the room. At least 4-6 a day. This may be causing it or what? Plus, I've never used the B'Cuzz foliar spray up until a week ago when I purchased it. And I've also never used the Rainbow Mix line from Ancient Organics, however it seems extremely beneficial. Check it out here:
Could this be causing it? Because beyond the above aforementioned, the environment is stable. I've never seen this problem and to remedy it I just repotted the seedlings and placed them in another room at another location all together.
Growing Medium: FoxFarm Ocean Forest, ReadyGro Aeration Formula, CoCo
Nutes: B'Cuzz Foliar Spray
Age: 4-8 days old (seedlings)
Notes: I added some Rainbow Mix Grow on the top layer of soil 2 days ago. This morning when I checked on them I noticed that there is fungal growth on the top layer of soil. Its semi-translucent and is very white/clear, reminiscent of a spider web. I don't know what the hell caused this, as I've never had a problem with fungus ever, nor have I ever heard of a report of fungus this early on. I've had them at a friends since starting these, and they told me they've been smoking several cigarettes in the room. At least 4-6 a day. This may be causing it or what? Plus, I've never used the B'Cuzz foliar spray up until a week ago when I purchased it. And I've also never used the Rainbow Mix line from Ancient Organics, however it seems extremely beneficial. Check it out here:
Could this be causing it? Because beyond the above aforementioned, the environment is stable. I've never seen this problem and to remedy it I just repotted the seedlings and placed them in another room at another location all together.