I have been detached or otherwise, forgive me for inventing this thread and trying to figure it out after the fact! It made sense at the time, delete if you must! I originally said and of course mispelled: "detactoa and otherwise, last thing I wanted is to start another thread so one listens to or cares about or that someone will shut down".. but this was all about wtf and who the hell cares. we are all bothers and sisters in cannabis, and we can all be too welcoming or all too authorirarion, but we all care and that is what counts. Let's get all embrasuve about the spirit of it all... in the next 4 or so years we could finally have what we all have deserved for so long, freedom and dignity what we all earned and deserved for so long, but these last 4 years are pivotal, we have to get it done or is is all for naught like the late 60's or late 70's or like 96. we had the chance to finally seal the deal and our time is now! Let's get it done in the next few years! Borrowing an expression I did not understand until now. "yeehaw" all I know is if the time is not now in the next few years to set things straight, we all missed an epic opportunity and we should be the victims of the likes of the vlad the impaler at that note... no seriously I wish I could have set things straight in the 60's but I was not yet alive but feel many of you were and should have seized the bull by the horns but do not dismiss or overestimate me and we will all be grand! we all can be great or epic fuck ups at times, but now is the time to get it done and so let it happen and let's not miss our chance! thank you one and all!