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French farmer fined after deworming ducks with cannabis


John Bourne

loltastic article, enjoy.

French farmer fined after deworming ducks with cannabis

Agence France-Presse
First Posted 23:40:00 11/19/2010

Filed Under: Europe, Illegal drugs, Animals, Punishment
Most Read
ROCHEFORT—A French duck farmer has been given a one-month suspended sentence and fined 500 euros (680 dollars) after feeding cannabis to his birds saying it was an excellent dewormer.

The farmer from the village of Gripperie-Saint-Symphorien on France's Atlantic coast admitted that he smoked some of the drug himself but said most of it was given to his 150 ducks for medicinal purposes.

"There's no better worming substance for them, a specialist advised me to do it," the farmer, Michel Rouyer, said, without being able to identify the specialist in question.

"This is for real, not one (duck) has worms and they're all in excellent health," said Rouyer's lawyer, Jean Piot, in an effort to convince the court.

The police arrested Rouyer after discovering 12 cannabis plants and around five kilos (11 pounds) of the drug in a bag during a visit to his home following a theft.

"It's the first time we've heard something like this," police said.



Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !

It definetly helps with diarrhea, a lot, especially cakes/edibles.

In Nepal, they use it to feed animals with stomach problems, most of the farmers do it.

But again, there was no study ever for the application on farming industries.... WTF...

John Bourne

titoon29...just checked out your Nepal smoking tour thread...AWESOME!!! that about sums it up. good job man.


the hemp seed is an excellent source of omegas and protein too, when the US eradication program finished, the wild birds began to suffer.


ruh roh!

ruh roh!

oh no! I'm gonna be in big trouble ! I been feeding my goat dank to get cannamilk!


5kilos & 12 plants and all you need is ducks to get off court with just 1 month on suspension and a small fine.
Dudes, I gotta get ducks...


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
nice one!! The duck must taste terrible bro! Im trying to reach farm see if they can sell me one...

Yes, Duck a L'Orange Bud, perfect for smuggling, Customs will never bother testing a Duck to see if it has hit 20% THC......

Imagine the drug dog going mad, the handler just going "yeah yeah Rover, it is just a Duck, get over it.."


Active member
A hen in your hand is worth at least two in a bush, or A duck with worms is worth at least two giants bushes, or something like that....lol.:)


New member
A hen in your hand is worth at least two in a bush, or A duck with worms is worth at least two giants bushes, or something like that....lol.:)

^^^lol....I think we should just get ducks as well...11 pounds anywhere in the us, and u can say bye bye to freedom for a while..If all I have to do is get some worm free ducks, im in!


New member
So the guy gets arrested after someone steals from him?!?! You sure this wasn't the US?

Yea really, I just went through some shit like that with someone I know. Old friends move in, steal from him b4 they leave, and end up gettin the cops called to the house, and eventually get a search warrant..


Tropical Outcast


i've never heard of this before... next time i have some ducks with worms i'll try this. lol.