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Fox Farms or General Organics?

Fox Farms or General Organics?

  • General Organics

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • Fox Farms

    Votes: 14 41.2%
  • Bio-Bizz

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • something else that you'll tell me about in a reply.

    Votes: 6 17.6%

  • Total voters


Active member
so i'm looking to try some new nutes for my next grow, i see for $40 (that i'm willing to spend) i can get either the general organics trial sample box. whole lineup i think. or i can get the fox farms 3pack of big bloom, tiger bloom, and grow big. their lineup has like 20 more products but i'm not buying all that shit.
in the past i've used general hydro almost exclusively and i've liked it. but you just don't get the same end results with chemicals like you do with organic. but organics doesn't yield as much. i'm thinking these bottled concentrates might be the best of both worlds. so which one would you choose?

i'm leaning go box since t comes with more shit. but the fox farms i hear good things too, but i don't know if i'll be needing all those extra additives or if i can just supplement with things i already have on hand. i think for about the same price or less i can also get...a bio-bizz 3 pack for indoor, outdoor or hydro.

my medium is gonna be coco based. what should i choose?


Active member
The reason I went with Fox Farms, is because GH/GH just sold out to Miracle Grow/Monsanto,,, I'm done with them. I used GO nutes for a few years now,,, I was running a perpetual,, like Dr. Green Genes.... I'm going to change routines now, lol, going to a better model, gonna take a break for awhile, and change styles, lol


ICMag Donor
learn to make your own fully amended organic soil following any one of dozens of threads here on IC...



Active member
I used the fox farm trio in organic soil and used the OGRaskal fert method. Obtained great results with just those three. Purchased the 3 boosters, Cha ching, etc. and started adding those as well. Best results were just the three liquid bottles from Fox Farm without the extra dry fert boosters. For future grows I'm switching to Organic soil with Maxibloom as the only fert, and molasses, that I will add.


Active member
i used to make my own soil but no room for that here now. plus i couldn't afford to buy 40lbs of oyster shell and shit at a time. maybe when i get into a house.

so far 3 for fox farms and only 1 for GO. anyone used GO, experiences?

let me ask you this also since you guys have used bottled organics before. do i need to plant in a big pot to get any benefits? my maximum pot size is gonna be like 1 gallon tops if i decide to try those shitty bags again now that i have a drip setup.


Active member
so is that the only downside you see?

i hate monsanto too, but right now i just wanna know which nutes people think are the better.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
fox farm gro is great for veg,very forgiving,I like maxi bloom for flower w/a koolbloom kicker @week 6 or 7...

the gnome

Active member
my 1st run years back i use the FF line and I was very happy with results.
just to let peeps know about the bloom trio,
the last finisher, cha ching has had a fuggin ton of N-----> 9-50-10
so if your in soil and like lots of N good.
if not it's a pita to flush.
occasionally now i just use beastie blooms skipping the other 2
ymmv :smoke:


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
my 1st run years back i use the FF line and I was very happy with results.
just to let peeps know about the bloom trio,
the last finisher, cha ching has had a fuggin ton of N-----> 9-50-10
so if your in soil and like lots of N good.
if not it's a pita to flush.
occasionally now i just use beastie blooms skipping the other 2
ymmv :smoke:

Yeah, your flush timing gotta be on point. I think just one week of chaching is cool. I def. notice each of the products tho.

Beastie blooms is the truth!!!.


Jon 54

I have used and still use Fox Farms nutrient. They work so well in soil with little or no salt build up.. In use with there Ocean Forest soil the FF System can't be beat!! I use there dry additives too with excellent results. I follow there feeding schedule and have never had a problem with a nutrient lockup. Plants thrive and produce healthy buds which smoke clean and clear with no chemical aftertaste.

Give Fox Farm a Try

Jon 54:plant grow::plant grow:


Active member
(*) something else that you'll tell me about in a reply.

Consider making your own, everything is at hand, even ya pee is great for vegging dilute it first 20:1 is good, comfrey is a known weed the world over and will give you most of everything and dandelions or nettles will cover the rest....best part of growing weed is FREE!

Green Squall

Well-known member
I'm pretty sure only some of Fox Farms liquid nutes are organic, tiger bloom is not. I prefer GO. Much more forgiving. I would occasionally burn my plants with the tiger bloom.


Active member
i used to make my own soil but no room for that here now. plus i couldn't afford to buy 40lbs of oyster shell and shit at a time. maybe when i get into a house.

so far 3 for fox farms and only 1 for GO. anyone used GO, experiences?

let me ask you this also since you guys have used bottled organics before. do i need to plant in a big pot to get any benefits? my maximum pot size is gonna be like 1 gallon tops if i decide to try those shitty bags again now that i have a drip setup.

I used the GO line for a few years,, it was better imho than ff, if only because it was organic,,, I'm switching them out now since they were bought out by Monsanto. I'm going with a build a soil and beds now. Personally, GO was pretty good, easy to use and work with for the Dr Green Genes method. Worked like a charm! But I don't trust Monsanto,, not a bit... And I refuse to support in anyway a company that has and continues to dominate and destroy small farms and farmers... Round Up anybody???? :tiphat:

Apache Kush

The reason I went with Fox Farms, is because GH/GH just sold out to Miracle Grow/Monsanto,,, I'm done with them. I used GO nutes for a few years now,,, I was running a perpetual,, like Dr. Green Genes.... I'm going to change routines now, lol, going to a better model, gonna take a break for awhile, and change styles, lol

I like fox farms for there soil not the nutes my two cents..I vot GH/GO

Wtf when did Monsanto BUY GH?

crap that does suck balls idk now maybe FF



ICMag Donor
Go with Bio Bizz...

Best buds I ever grew were with Bio Bizz.

I'm going to need a supplier pretty soon myself.

GO is Bio Bizz reformulated.


Active member
learn to make your own fully amended organic soil following any one of dozens of threads here on IC...


Yep! I went to a site called buildasoil,, got some of Coots mix,, that formula feckin ROCKS!!!! I got the large Sphagnum peat amendments package, best results I've seen in 40 years,,,, :tiphat:
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