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Former Prosecutor gone pedobear


I love my life
BANGOR, Maine -- A former Maine drug prosecutor convicted of child pornography was sentenced Friday in U.S. District Court in Bangor.
James M. Cameron, who was found guilty of more than a dozen charges after waiving a jury trial, was sentenced to 16 years in prison to be followed by 10 years of supervised release.
Cameron, 48, was a former assistant attorney general from Hallowell.
Prosecutors said Cameron created 17 user profiles and left a trail of child porn on file servers and on his home computers.



Rubbing my glands together
There's got to be a special place reserved in hell for child molesters. I sure do hope he doesn't come across anyone in the big house he had a part in sending on an extended vacation. hehe Here's to hoping he's cell mates with a very well endowed butt:pirate:


:cuss:Being a father of two girls myself. I would actually vote to bring back Be-heading's for this type of disgusting crime. These kind of people don't deserve the luxury of prison. I pray Karma finds him swiftly.:rant:


:cuss:Being a father of two girls myself. I would actually vote to bring back Be-heading's for this type of disgusting crime. These kind of people don't deserve the luxury of prison. I pray Karma finds him swiftly.:rant:

I think in the case of pedophiles imprisonment is way better than beheading, it is no secret that pedophiles receive "special" treatment in prison.


New member
I think probably all of them 'lawenforcers' are sick to some degree.
I mean look at them they are all hyper aggressive, alpha males, nervous with their finger always on the trigger.
Breaking into peoples homes, cuffing them, stealing their property, destroying lives.
"Put your hands up", "lay down on the ground".
"You didn't obeyed the law, now did you!?" They say with a obscure smile, knowing that you are fucked no matter what you reply.
This is power, and power is what they seek.
It always comes down to force some one to do something.

Dunno but I feel that our society is insane, sick, disgusting.
Don't wanna sound like a old folk but it's getting worse and worse or I'm starting to see things like that more frequently...

What are your thoughts about 'lawenforcers'?
just sayin

just sayin

No doubt the guy is a total douche, hypocrite, vile human being etc..
Still prison rape is nasty and its horrible that it is so accepted in this country as a vital part of our corrupt punitive system.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Sorry to disrupt the fantasy of prison justice, but you will pay for his protective custody prison time and when released he may end up living next to you.

The only justice some will see is in the next life.


Captain Expando
Unfortunately, the rat bastard is living off of us now man. Good news though... he's official property of an 'ex' motorcycle club hitman/meth dealer that goes by the name of 'Bungo Bob' and can go all night :D


One day you will have to answer to the children of
And to second that, maybe you folks shouldn't listen so much to TV. Go there sometime and find out what its really like. They don't get it as bad as most would hope.
Depends on the prisoner and the child molestor.

Remember, some people are fucked up for life because of being molested...I have met a few who took years of hard therapy to even come close to overcoming the violation that occured, many don't have the benefit of that therapy.
So when 'Joe Blows Kids' ends up in the cell next to them...

Fuck it. All they got to do is bring back exectution by firing squad.

Totah Sam

By the time he gets out (if he serves the full 16 years), millions of taxpayer dollars will have been spent protecting him from other inmates. Not to mention the special accommodations needed to keep him safe.

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