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Foliar Feeds


Well-known member
Hello. To be honest friend, I think using foliar fertilizer spray for plants is abnormal and is a waste of time and money. Leaves are solar collectors and that is the job they do best. Roots have the job of taking fertilizer and metabolizing it into food. If I give a plant nutrients to the leaves the metabolic function changes in a freaky way. How would you like someone spraying food all over you? It's a good sales gimmick for the people making money off people wasting fertilizer.


Active member
Brother you have just been super helpful to me …and just in case I’m being an ignorant fool here …does happen 😆….I googled Creeper park meaning and this came up
… Stand tall in your faith,water the soil of your mind wisely and bloom with elegance.Rise up unapologetically to shine your light.You are purpose…..😁✌️💚


Well-known member
I'd agree that nutrient uptake is mostly accomplished through the plants vascular system. Here's a video clip that will shed some light on how nutrients move through the vascular system to the plants roots. With all due respect to @Creeperpark. Skin is the largest organ in the human body. Would you roll around in poison ivy vines naked.


Well-known member
This is a decent perspective on foliar , some good articles on this site.

I'd agree that feeding the roots is going to produce a much healthier and happier plant. I spray once a month with OHN, more for IPM than for the benefits of the nutrients it adds to my plants.


Active member
Personally, I think I’m probably way off getting involved ,as yet anyway ,with these feeds and need to learn far more about the plants in my space first ,then once I’m really confident in a method I’m choosing maybe then as a tonic,always good to teach an older dog something new ,especially when we want the plants too shine for us 💚


ICMag Donor
From a UK gardening perspective foliar spraying was barely mentioned , then in the 1970,s several products like this were heavily advertised that fit on the end of a hosepipe.
Being able to stand in the middle of your garden and hose down everything became a popular sunday activity.



Active member
Hello. To be honest friend, I think using foliar fertilizer spray for plants is abnormal and is a waste of time and money. Leaves are solar collectors and that is the job they do best. Roots have the job of taking fertilizer and metabolizing it into food. If I give a plant nutrients to the leaves the metabolic function changes in a freaky way. How would you like someone spraying food all over you? It's a good sales gimmick for the people making money off people wasting fertilizer.
Totally agree. Best to get the main fertility in the soil/rhizosphere and then only resort to foliar applications if seeing deficiencies in flower and need a faster correction (if organic).


Well-known member
Hey hello all,anyone point the direction to previous threads or maybe add your Dos and Donts please about Foliar Feeds looking at maybe DEMS Natural Mystic in particular 💚💯.. many thanks in advance lovely people 🙌
I'm a big fan of foliar feeding, and use it for correcting nute imbalances, to much, for my own good ..lol
it does take some 3-5 days to show or perhaps I spray only in small doses, 1tsp of nute to a pint spray bottle
is average
The info I use comes from big style farming practices that spray tons of nute on many 100's of acres, wheat barley etc, the difference. I prefer to use organic nutes, nettle and comfrey etc

so long as you have enough leaf matter connected to the stem and avoid spraying the flowers, I see no harm
and use it as a tonic



Active member
Ok nice …cheers Amanda,that’s cool to hear,nettle is a great plant ,how do you personally use that, and what are you normally correcting with it ?


Well-known member
Ok nice …cheers Amanda,that’s cool to hear,nettle is a great plant ,how do you personally use that, and what are you normally correcting with it ?
just a simple ACT, (aerated compost tea) take a bunch / glove full of nettles chop to one inch lengths and add to a chlorine free
3 gallon bucket with water, let rot down for a minimum of 3 weeks during mid summer or generally warmer weather, be warned it stinks
filter then dose at 400ml (1.1/2cups?) to 8 liters (2.5usg) of clean water, or as above 1tsp of nute to a pint spray bottle
I support my work with the use of a TDS tool that runs at 350-550 ppm, depending on the age and size of the plant, see basic DWC theory



Active member
Thanks Amanda,sounds like a good brew,I read somewhere once that Nettles were a close relation to Cannabis,certainly green as green in those early months and look good for teas ,thanks 💯

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