[Videos and more supporting information on original blog linked above; blog posted copied in its entirety for informational purposes.]
Just after a Miami Herald article on the popularity of medical marijuana with the voters of Florida, a police raid “coincidentally” happened to an activist mentioned in the piece.
Cathy Jordan, after whom the Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act is named, was raided shortly after 2 p.m. on Monday, February 25, by deputies and detectives with the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office “drug intervention unit,” who were wearing ski-masks, according to her husband, Robert.
Now, I don’t know about you, but just imagining a bunch of ski-mask wearing thugs terrorizing a lady in a wheelchair goes beyond even my day-to-day journalistic cynicism. This is downright sickening. To use Cathy Jordan’s fame in the area of medicinal cannabis against her — even as she uses the herb to battle her Lou Gehrig’s disease (amyotrophic lateral scelrosis, or ALS) — is the lower than low.
Cathy Jordan
Robert Jordan, 64, said he had just awoke from a nap in his easy chair when he saw two deputies coming toward the house with their guns drawn.
“I ran out and said, ‘What are you doing here?’ ” Jordan said. “They said, ‘We have probable cause. You are growing marijuana.’ I said, ‘It’s medicine for my wife. I know people use that an excuse, but this is true.’ ”
After an argument, Jordan said he (very unwisely, mind you) agreed to sign a document allowing authorities to walk through to “check if they were operating a grow house.” (NEVER sign anything agreeing for the cops to search your place. If they have probable cause, make them use it.If not, make them do their jobs and get a goddamned warrant.)
Bob and Cathy Jordan. Cathy has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; she says marijuana relieves muscle spasms and increases her appetite
[Thomas Bender/Sarasota Herald-Tribune]
Cathy Jordan has fought for the past 16 years for the legalization of medical marijuana in Florida.
No arrests were immediately made in the raid, according to Robert Jordan, but charges are pending. Twenty-three cannabis plants, including two nearly mature waist-high plants Cathy uses for her treatment plan — along with a crop of seedlings — were confiscated by the cops.
“Once they turn the information in, I am subject to arrest,” Robert Jordan said.
Dave Bristow, a sheriff’s office spokesman, showed just how useless he is as a public servant on Monday night, refusing to say whether any arrests were made or even if the raid took place.
“My wife is not happy,” Jordan said. “It really upset her. I am very protective of my wife. She can’t feed herself. She got really upset and started crying.
“None of this should have happened,” Robert Jordan said.
Back in 1998, Cathy had told the Herald that she lights up a joint before bed each night.
“I regained my appetite after I started smoking,” she said at the time. “It helps the pain and helps me to relax.”
Florida Sen. Jeff Clemens (D-Lake Worth), sponsor of the Senate bill to legalize medical marijuana in the state, said on Monday that he was angry about the raid on the Jordans’ home.
“Do we want to be the kind of state that raids the home of a woman in a wheelchair in order to enforce outdated laws?” Clemens said Monday night.
[Videos and more supporting information on original blog linked above; blog posted copied in its entirety for informational purposes.]
Just after a Miami Herald article on the popularity of medical marijuana with the voters of Florida, a police raid “coincidentally” happened to an activist mentioned in the piece.
Cathy Jordan, after whom the Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act is named, was raided shortly after 2 p.m. on Monday, February 25, by deputies and detectives with the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office “drug intervention unit,” who were wearing ski-masks, according to her husband, Robert.
Now, I don’t know about you, but just imagining a bunch of ski-mask wearing thugs terrorizing a lady in a wheelchair goes beyond even my day-to-day journalistic cynicism. This is downright sickening. To use Cathy Jordan’s fame in the area of medicinal cannabis against her — even as she uses the herb to battle her Lou Gehrig’s disease (amyotrophic lateral scelrosis, or ALS) — is the lower than low.

Robert Jordan, 64, said he had just awoke from a nap in his easy chair when he saw two deputies coming toward the house with their guns drawn.
“I ran out and said, ‘What are you doing here?’ ” Jordan said. “They said, ‘We have probable cause. You are growing marijuana.’ I said, ‘It’s medicine for my wife. I know people use that an excuse, but this is true.’ ”
After an argument, Jordan said he (very unwisely, mind you) agreed to sign a document allowing authorities to walk through to “check if they were operating a grow house.” (NEVER sign anything agreeing for the cops to search your place. If they have probable cause, make them use it.If not, make them do their jobs and get a goddamned warrant.)

Bob and Cathy Jordan. Cathy has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; she says marijuana relieves muscle spasms and increases her appetite
[Thomas Bender/Sarasota Herald-Tribune]
Cathy Jordan has fought for the past 16 years for the legalization of medical marijuana in Florida.
No arrests were immediately made in the raid, according to Robert Jordan, but charges are pending. Twenty-three cannabis plants, including two nearly mature waist-high plants Cathy uses for her treatment plan — along with a crop of seedlings — were confiscated by the cops.
“Once they turn the information in, I am subject to arrest,” Robert Jordan said.
Dave Bristow, a sheriff’s office spokesman, showed just how useless he is as a public servant on Monday night, refusing to say whether any arrests were made or even if the raid took place.
“My wife is not happy,” Jordan said. “It really upset her. I am very protective of my wife. She can’t feed herself. She got really upset and started crying.
“None of this should have happened,” Robert Jordan said.
Back in 1998, Cathy had told the Herald that she lights up a joint before bed each night.
“I regained my appetite after I started smoking,” she said at the time. “It helps the pain and helps me to relax.”
Florida Sen. Jeff Clemens (D-Lake Worth), sponsor of the Senate bill to legalize medical marijuana in the state, said on Monday that he was angry about the raid on the Jordans’ home.
“Do we want to be the kind of state that raids the home of a woman in a wheelchair in order to enforce outdated laws?” Clemens said Monday night.