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Floorganics under led? Someone experience with it?


Well-known member

I've been using biobizz for a long time and there were hardly any problems with ndl, but with led it's different. I have major problems with calcium deficiencies. Do you know Floorganics?

Living soil sounds great. But what i actually wonder is if you get the same problems under led.

The great thing about living soil is that soil life only releases as many nutrients as the plant needs. In symbiosis. Then you shouldn't have these problems with a lack of calcium or magnesium because soil life regulates everything.
So you don't need a calmag, etc. to compensate, no matter what values the tap water has.

Flo says you only need to give water and not fertilize. I find the product a bit expensive but there are reasons for that. Do you have experience with Floorganics? Because biobizz is ok but i think there are better ones.



Well-known member
50/50 success rate from a 100,000 customer reviews is not that good. Plus the stuff is really expensive. It would be fun to try it, but I would not bank on it. Most of the stuff on the market is hype and by the time people find out about the company, it's already rich just from people trying it. IF it sounds "too good", its probable hype. 😎


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I find LED lights drive a higher need for calcium as well. I am unable to express how simple, inexpensive and awesome it is to make and use KNF water soluble calcium from shells.

Personally I now use rabbit manure teas, magnesium sulfate and KNF water soluble calcium. Though I've no experience with Floorganics, I know there are many situations where a foliar or root drench can be necessary/ideal with living soil. When a need for calcium is present, I know the KNF calcium will do the job well. :)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Growing under LED is starting over what you learned using HID. It will take some time to figure it out. I had many issues for about a year. Dont change too many things at the same time. Make small adjustments and see the results before you do another. Start out by adding small amounts of cal/mag.. I ended up only needing 1ml per 5g just a few times in a run. IMO less is more. People add way too much at the start.


Well-known member
50/50 success rate from a 100,000 customer reviews is not that good. Plus the stuff is really expensive. It would be fun to try it, but I would not bank on it. Most of the stuff on the market is hype and by the time people find out about the company, it's already rich just from people trying it. IF it sounds "too good", its probable hype. 😎
do you really believe ? Im not sure. I almost don't think it's a scam. I think a lot more that many floorganics mishandle. There are a few things that you have to comply with compared to biobizz.. otherwise mico life will not last long. But the fertilizer and the components themselves are of the highest quality. I believe that. Otherwise he wouldn't be present at every trade fair and talk about it. He even shows how to do it. living soil is not magic. It's been around for a million years. The flo talks to farmers, etc. so that they use his products and not chemical fertilizers. He does seminars etc. do you really think he would go into farming and offer the product if it was bullshit? I do not believe that. 50/50 because most treat the fertilizer wrong.


Active member
Have you read the "Compendium" in the Swiss forum? There I have described in great detail, among other things, the antagonism.

Antagonism: A nutrient reduces the availability of another nutrient in the soil, inhibits its uptake into the plant or its function in the plant's metabolism. Mobilization and immobilization processes, as well as withdrawal or supply of nutrients, play an essential role in the nutrient balance of the soil. They are influenced by numerous factors, especially soil moisture, soil reaction and redox potential. For example, increasing soil moisture promotes mobilization processes.

The least problems have those who recycle their soil and do not use products of the cannabis industry. You can get all the products at the hardware store for far less money.

For deficiencies with Ca & Mg, I do not know them under LED, it is long enough to use products like garden lime. I water with pure osmosis water and water from my shrimp breeding. Together with prepared soil the best you can do. You just have to be careful with the different nutrient needs of the genetics you are growing.

I also use pumice, lava granules and zeolite as soil conditioners.


Well-known member
do you really believe ? Im not sure. I almost don't think it's a scam. I think a lot more that many floorganics mishandle. There are a few things that you have to comply with compared to biobizz.. otherwise mico life will not last long. But the fertilizer and the components themselves are of the highest quality. I believe that. Otherwise he wouldn't be present at every trade fair and talk about it. He even shows how to do it. living soil is not magic. It's been around for a million years. The flo talks to farmers, etc. so that they use his products and not chemical fertilizers. He does seminars etc. do you really think he would go into farming and offer the product if it was bullshit? I do not believe that. 50/50 because most treat the fertilizer wrong.
You make some good points and so let's look that them. How do you know the components are of the highest quality? He's present at all the events because he's selling the stuff for $100 a quart and has to explain the complexity of the principles of using his product. The product doesn't work unless all the growing conditions are conducive to whatever growth happens. When growing conditions are perfect and dialed in "yes" it's a productive product. Now if one can achieve growth with this product then he or she is an advanced horticulturist. I don't fall for it. Rabbit poo tea would be just as good or better.

Lastly, if you think you want to try the product, it would be very helpful to keep us posted on the results. Every day since weed became legal, I see new products on the market trying to break into the cannabis gold rush. Hundreds of products from 100s of different sources. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. I see people get ripped off using liquid additives all the time. Just a waste.😎


Active member
With the money for a small package "Florganics" I buy the individual ingredients in the trade in larger packages to fill a whole barrel.

Things like "Florganics", "Hesi fertilizer" or "BioBizz scheme" serve to pull the money out of the grower's pocket and continues with expensive 08/15 LED.


No Jive Productions


No Jive Productions
the chart above is known as mulder's wheel. it was put together by a crop physiologist in 1953. it basically applies to controlled agriculture. not necessarily indoors but in containers in general.


No Jive Productions
this one is for outdoors in the field. this is why we do a soil test.

if you look at it long enough you will go stark, raving mad!


Well-known member
You make some good points and so let's look that them. How do you know the components are of the highest quality? He's present at all the events because he's selling the stuff for $100 a quart and has to explain the complexity of the principles of using his product. The product doesn't work unless all the growing conditions are conducive to whatever growth happens. When growing conditions are perfect and dialed in "yes" it's a productive product. Now if one can achieve growth with this product then he or she is an advanced horticulturist. I don't fall for it. Rabbit poo tea would be just as good or better.

Lastly, if you think you want to try the product, it would be very helpful to keep us posted on the results. Every day since weed became legal, I see new products on the market trying to break into the cannabis gold rush. Hundreds of products from 100s of different sources. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. I see people get ripped off using liquid additives all the time. Just a waste.😎
That's right.. typical of capitalism. But all the products on the market like biobizz and Co are not what they are supposed to be. Apart from organic.. they produce cheaply abroad.. they don't care if workers are exploited or if there is sustainable mining. Of course the flo advertises.. but not as aggressively as others. He is very transparent about how the manufacturing process works. The high cost has nothing to do with greed, it's really about sustainability.
I haven't checked it myself but it sounds very serious and sincere. Unlike others, he doesn't produce cheaply abroad. That's why you pay so much. But apart from that, the product should work. If you do some research, you will see many who get along.. and others who don't. The flo specifies exactly what to do and shows it in videos.
You don't have to be a pro gardener to stick to it. I think.. The substrate shouldn't be as dry as with biobizz, for example.. you have to keep it moister. The climate has to be right, but that's normal. Actually, these are small things. Above all, you should be able to use this mixture over and over again.
He himself claims to have been working on this mix for years and the results look great. Very healthy plants. A final product full of resin and terpenes. You could make something like that yourself but you still need the high quality of mushrooms etc. that he uses.

He really works to ensure that agriculture stops using chemicals as fertilizer. That you should pay more attention to the soil life than the plants themselves. There is something to it.. I will report when i test the product. But for now I'll stay with biobizz. I still have enough problems with leds and have to deal with them first. But i could have imagined that with such a mixture there would be no calcium deficit at all.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
This thread reads like a vendor discussion area... ICMag offers sub-forums for vendors who register with them. I personally find it odd when someone new to the forum asks about a product, and then begins an education campaign/discussion about it like a manufacturer representative.

No offense if you're not the mfg, I understand English is not your first language. English is a messed up language, full of things which can easily be confusing. :)


Well-known member
Again the question, you know my articles in the compendium in Simon's forum?

Interaction of nutrients in German

No and i'm not talking about that. The theme is living soil. It's about the product floorganics. What the plant needs is another topic.
And people who bring something on the market have long thought about the composition therefore i dont think much about it.
But still some work better than the other products. It also depends on the person what they get along with better.
If you work with living soil you don't have to worry about such tables because you are no longer chasing after the needs of the plant. But this is not about calcium and macro or micro elements now.


Active member
It is a pity that you do not answer my question, because in the Swiss forum I have very intensively dealt with soils, nutrients, microorganisms in the compendium. Also there was a discussion area and many top people in organic farming!

You can also get problems with this nutrient mixture as I tried to show you with the diagram of mutual influence.

This is not a guarantee that the grow runs smoothly, also concerns the expensive organic fertilizer balls. The things are cheap to produce, algae extracts also cost nothing and the soil fungi can be found in any hardware store in the garden department, in all mixtures.

I'm not saying that this product is bad, on the contrary, but it is intended for people who order food instead of cooking and that costs. And problems you suggest can have many other causes.

The issue of CA/Mg vs LED is complex and many do not have it, I water with pure osmosis water and do not have these problems under LED.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Dodging the question is generally a direct hit.

I really dislike anything dodgy/shady about product suppliers. A definite turn off when making brand choices.


Active member
I find it strange that he does not ask in the Swiss forum in his native language?

There, the product was discussed in detail years ago! And also the recurring problems with deficiency or problems in connection with calcium and magnesium was discussed there in detail?


Well-known member
I find it strange that he does not ask in the Swiss forum in his native language?

There, the product was discussed in detail years ago! And also the recurring problems with deficiency or problems in connection with calcium and magnesium was discussed there in detail?
how do you want to know where i am active and ask questions? Or what languages i speak? I even speak spanish😅 Am i not allowed to be active in Spanish forums now? Keep your comments to yourself and if i want to ask a question, i'll ask.
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