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FL-Gov: Charlie Crist (D), "Medical Marijuana An Issue Of Compassion"


ICMag Donor

Charlie Crist joined Melissa Ross to talk about the race and take listener calls, including one regarding his position on medical marijuana. "This is an issue of compassion," Crist said when asked how he felt about the medical marijuana initiative that could come before state voters at the same time he is seeking election.
"You have people who feel that if there are people who are suffering through pain or lack of appetite, and you have a real doctor who prescribes medical marijuana, then I don't know why you would really be opposed to it, and so I'm not opposed to it," he said, citing recent poll number showing over 80 percent of state residents in support of the measure.
"I think it's fine," he said, adding that he supports the approval of using the drug for medical treatment only as prescribed by a physician. - WJCT News, 12/2/13
Well said. I was surprised to hear that Crist supports medical marijuana. I never would expect that from him. But then I did a little research and he's always been supportive of the issue:
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Nan Rich, a former Senate minority leader, says she supports a proposed ballot initiative that would legalize medical-marijuana in Florida. Former Gov. Charlie Crist, who is expected to officially begin his gubernatorial run as a Democrat on Monday, also has expressed support for the proposed constitutional amendment. While Rich and Crist back the amendment, some of the state’s top Republicans are trying to keep the issue off the November 2014 ballot. Senate President Don Gaetz, R-Niceville, and House Speaker Will Weatherford, R-Wesley Chapel, made a filing with the Florida Supreme Court on Wednesday that supported Attorney General Pam Bondi’s attempt to block the constitutional amendment. The Republicans contend that the ballot language would deceive voters about the reach of the amendment.
The ballot proposal has been spearheaded by Orlando trial lawyer and Democratic donor John Morgan, whose firm employs Crist. The Supreme Court will hear arguments about the ballot language Dec. 5. - The Palm Beach Post, 11/2/13
And then i did a little more research and found that Crist's people are the ones pushing for medical marijuana to be on the ballot:

LINK for more: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/...st-D-Medical-Marijuana-An-Issue-Of-Compassion#


Natalie J. Puffington
The medical treatment a person has access to, should have nothing to do with where they live.

Glad this is starting to sink in!

Cool Moe

Active member
Possible Charlie Crist campaign slogans:

Vote for Scott if you want bud rot. Vote for Charlie if you like Bob Marley.

Vote for Scott if your boobs hang to the floor. Vote for Crist and fire up your Roor.

Vote for Scott if you have a tiny, withered schlong. Vote for Crist and supersize your bong!

Vote for Scott if you're Republican and really old. Vote for Crist if you love Columbian Gold.

I think Florida people get the gist, now get out there and vote for Crist!


hopefully it will happen!!!!
for there sake
if it does .............well back to the sunshine state.


ICMag Donor
I just want to know when people are going to stop allowing their health and a natural right, the right to use cannabis and put in my own body was does not casue harm to another - when people are going to stop allowing their rights to be used as political platforms for politicians to swindle another vote...

He was the govenor before - and what action did he take THEN to make this oh so important to him issue legal...

Case and point. Don't get played. Learn to check voting history - not media shit jargon. He "strongly favors" - drug use as immoral: enforce laws against it...





Well-known member
I hear ya dank.frank but living in fl you get a diff. feel for where its going and it has nothing to do w/him getting elected or not.

the MMJ movement in fl has been moving forward quickly ever since Mr Morgan got involved and it looks like they are going to collect well over 750,000 sigs by feb '14 and that places it on the ballot the following Nov for the people to decide.

we need a super majority vote of 60% in favor or it will not pass and current polling is @ 82% favorability.

EDIT: and it has nothing to do w/people standing up for their health or natural right..........you go out yourself on the courthouse steps to take your stand.......if you want free room and meals you'll get it b/c they will lock your ass up w/o regard to your health or natural right to medicate.

grandstanding may sound good bro but where does it get ya.

I believe its better to defeat them w/the Truth and on their terms............that is what is occurring in fl.


Active member
WELL SAID MO!!!!!!!!


but if its ganna be like canadauh?
im NOT for it,only legalization is best!!


Registered Non-Conformist
It's a complex state. Lots of dramatic reactions are forthcoming on both sides of the issue. A majority of 80% of the voters" for," will insure that the laws eventually pass.

Between now and then, LEO is going to go for a "last ditch effort," as they have done in every state which appears to be going "medical," or "Legal."

Keep Your Heads down, until then, or get caught in a Prison Shitstem which is Heinous.


I love my life
EDIT: and it has nothing to do w/people standing up for their health or natural right..........you go out yourself on the courthouse steps to take your stand.......if you want free room and meals you'll get it b/c they will lock your ass up w/o regard to your health or natural right to medicate.

grandstanding may sound good bro but where does it get ya.

I believe its better to defeat them w/the Truth and on their terms............that is what is occurring in fl.


Go tell that to Rosa Parks, MLK, Gandhi and others. Immoral treatment of humans will be overcome by civil disobedience not kowtowing.



Well-known member

Go tell that to Rosa Parks, MLK, Gandhi and others. Immoral treatment of humans will be overcome by civil disobedience not kowtowing.


not sure if you are calling me an uncle Tom but if so I was unclear on what I was attempting to get across.

anyway I have chosen to stay here and fight for a patients right to have safe access to cannabis so call me what ya want.......it only reflects on who you are.

peace homie and much success


I love my life
EDIT: and it has nothing to do w/people standing up for their health or natural right..........you go out yourself on the courthouse steps to take your stand.......if you want free room and meals you'll get it b/c they will lock your ass up w/o regard to your health or natural right to medicate.

grandstanding may sound good bro but where does it get ya.

I believe its better to defeat them w/the Truth and on their terms............that is what is occurring in fl.

Nothing to do with people standing up for their rights????

"and on their terms....."

Uncle Tom works on "their terms" and disparages others for standing on natural rights or morality.

I am glad you stayed and fought, but telling others they are wrong for civil disobedience is serving the prohibitionist slave masters.



Well-known member
I just want to know when people are going to stop allowing their health and a natural right, the right to use cannabis and put in my own body was does not casue harm to another - when people are going to stop allowing their rights to be used as political platforms for politicians to swindle another vote...


that statement to me is grandstanding.

so by choosing to fight a diff fight im allowing my rights to be used as political platform's for whomever's reason.

well if its voted in and im no longer a criminal and along the way the truth is becoming known how is this bad.

I feel it is better to try and shape the regulatory environment to be more favorable towards patients than to react to rights being taken away b/c special interest groups are influencing the regulations.

do something or stand on the side bitching about how your rights were taken.

im not telling anyone not to advocate, just be smart.

what can one do locked up.......think about what they will do when released.



Well-known member
...."and on their terms....."

Uncle Tom works on "their terms" and disparages others for standing on natural rights or morality.

well you disparage me for they way in which I stand for my right to safe access and I don't call or perceive you as an Uncle Tom.

where am I disparaging anyone?
Florida is a BIG Pharma state. The amount of money that lobbyists dish out for them at campaign time is what makes the difference. When you can scare Grandma and pa with tactics that are borderline (and downright false) is when you win elections.
Lots of money at stack in FL and money usually wins here.
Charlie Crist was a popular Governor and got some good things accomplished, we'll see if he can do it again. Lots of BIG political money and support behind him at the moment.


Cabana’s bitch

Go tell that to Rosa Parks, MLK, Gandhi and others. Immoral treatment of humans will be overcome by civil disobedience not kowtowing.


nice, calling a man with a different adgenda an uncle tom...what have YOU done to move the marijuana initiative forward...posting a comment like that without knowing the facts of what mo has been thru or knowing any of the facts of his life makes me think YOU are the ignorant one here...


Active member
Hey hydrosun......

LEAVE MY BUDDY MO ALONE,an come on down
an fight like a man against these pigs.....it takes GUTZ!!

Mo,i never meant to think otherwise,but the canada thing is scary??????
THEY JUST GOT STRIPPED OF EVERYTHING....an that policy may come here....
THen only the CORPS/GOV will be able to supply patients????
The canadians NEED to VOTE that SHIT OUT!
or the whole thing needs to just be LEGALIZED.........
solve all probs that way,but who cares right?
Lg..war on baby,but we will win!


I love my life
Hey hydrosun......

LEAVE MY BUDDY MO ALONE,an come on down
an fight like a man against these pigs.....it takes GUTZ!!

Mo,i never meant to think otherwise,but the canada thing is scary??????
THEY JUST GOT STRIPPED OF EVERYTHING....an that policy may come here....
THen only the CORPS/GOV will be able to supply patients????
The canadians NEED to VOTE that SHIT OUT!
or the whole thing needs to just be LEGALIZED.........
solve all probs that way,but who cares right?
Lg..war on baby,but we will win!

Mo and I are fine, we've each said our piece and respect the other.

Now how does 35 years of growing jive with making changes on their terms and as part of their system? As you pointed out the evil pigs and politicians think they know better than growers and are making more laws outlawing growing and REDUCING the legal grow size in states (WA).

I feel we disobedients need to treat the government as the government treated the indians. Tell them what they want to hear, let them feel important, and then do whatever the fuck you want to OVERGROW the planet.

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."
~ Thomas Jefferson.



Well-known member
...Mo,i never meant to think otherwise,but the canada thing is scary??????
THEY JUST GOT STRIPPED OF EVERYTHING....an that policy may come here....

it is scary what is occurring in Mi and Ca too but I feel it has been special interest groups that have lobbied these types of restrictions in place.

money buys power and its no secret so that is why I believe you play their game.

form a patient centered lobbying group that has at its main focus to preserve a national patients right to grow their own meds.........501c4 / pac / super pac.

if grouping together was enough to be an adequate voice then the topics regarding Cannabis laws would not be ignored by the very agency asking the public to vote on issues to be addressed.

it will take money to fight for our rights using THEIR rules and how that money is raised and by what lobbying group is yet to be determined. unfortunately the opposition is far ahead in pushing their agenda wrapped in common fear.

and let us get a bad law here and I will sacrifice my profit to fund a patients right to grow lobbying group.......I will not sit by and react to rights being taken away, I will proactively advocate for a patients right to grow.


Cabana’s bitch
Hey hydrosun......

LEAVE MY BUDDY MO ALONE,an come on down
an fight like a man against these pigs.....it takes GUTZ!!

Mo,i never meant to think otherwise,but the canada thing is scary??????
THEY JUST GOT STRIPPED OF EVERYTHING....an that policy may come here....
THen only the CORPS/GOV will be able to supply patients????
The canadians NEED to VOTE that SHIT OUT!
or the whole thing needs to just be LEGALIZED.........
solve all probs that way,but who cares right?
Lg..war on baby,but we will win!

what are you doing to help the cause in florida lew

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