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First time cabinet coco grow - How do you think I'm doing?


New member
Hello! First time grower and I am running a 18'x18'x24' cabinet build that I found on YouTube.
Using all AC infinity equipment hooked up to smart controllers and have been running Maxi Grow and Maxi Bloom salt nutrients exclusively. Media is Mother Earth pre-buffered coco coir 70/30 perlite bag mix in half of a 3 gallon fabric pot, raised, and fed drain to waste, light runoff ranging from 10%-20%.
Coco was lightly processed, rinsed through screen with RO water PH'd at 6.0. mycorrhiza and diatomaceous earth were mixed into the coco after rinsing before potting. I am growing Pennywise from seed, and am currently at week 6 of flower.
Running about 100W total in AC infinity full spectrum LED lights, 4 rows up top, 2 longer on each side - Been running these all at 100% since starting the grow - Been running RO water exclusively, religiously PH'd between 5.8-6.4, but really staying in the 6.0-6.3ph range. I was switching off between feed and water every other feeding until the last week or so I am just feeding nutrients and will flush before harvest.
I've been following the MonsterGardens Maxi feed schedule, though I may have started feeding a bit late coming close to 3 weeks after sprout to start feeding out of fear of burning the baby.
Everything was going great until the second week after flipping the lights to the 12/12 cycle. I immediately started 2/3 Grow to Bloom feed day 2 after switching lights. After week 3 had been slowly upping the bloom nutrients and I started to see some yellowing fan leaves, after reading up I figured this was a nitrogen deficiency, and the leaves had been lightening but I didn't catch it before. So I gave it a feed of full Grow, and saw some improvement in color but now going on week 4 of flower and noticing some purple stems I was worried there was a Phosphorus deficiency so I went to a 2/3 Bloom to grow feed for a week then straight into Bloom only feed. As I progressed further into flower more leaves started yellowing and falling off, some I pruned by hand, but the buds look pretty good and I read that to some extent this is normal. Keep in mind I used to added calmag, just trusted in the pre-buffering claim by Mother Earth co.
Kept RH between 55-65 during veg and have been maintaining between 50-60% RH during flower, average around 55%, but have gotten as low as 44% (On the SoCal coast a block from the beach in an apartment, doing my best to keep up with humidity fro marine layer) running an 80gal GE dehumidifier outside of but close and touching the cabinet, our lung room has not been super comfy keeping the RH down... and temps 75F lights out, 85F lights on, this has gone down a few degrees going into winter, around 71-81F.
After visiting my local hydro shop I left with some MPK dry compound and homemade Brix mix with some molasses and other brix-assisting additives, honestly using these was a big leap of faith but the owner at Sow Cal Hydroponics here in HB seemed very very knowledgeable, so I trusted him to try and get the best first yield possible. Since adding the MPK and Brix mix to the feeding the buds have fattened up quite a bit and gotten quite frosty, I also noticed that these lowered my blend's PH quite a bit from 6.1 to 5.7, first time I actually used the PH up bottle in my ph kit. Saturday will mark week 7 of flower, and I am hoping to harvest in about 2-3 weeks? And I have a jewelers loup on the way!

I will be using this cabinet as a drying cabinet for this grow and have a full 2x4 AC infinity grow kit on the way and am excited to get that going, along with adding a oversized portable AC to have more control over the 150 sq ft lung room that my grow is in. I have ideas floating around of course, but I would love to hear any feedback on the current grow, what may have gone wrong, and suggestions for the next run from some growers with more experience!

I am thinking of re-using at least some of the coco from this grow to retain the microbes and give the fresh coco and mycorrhiza a jump start, and feeding some sort of microbe stimulant from the start of feeding. Also thinking about adding some calmag to nutrients the second run, but am still researching the right mixture for that. And also planning to monitor EC closely and attempting a crop steer approach in the next grow to learn some more!

In the attached photos, I was sure to include a couple fan leaves with severe burn on the tips, this is a bit new.


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Cabana’s bitch
2-3 weeks sounds about right, the trichs will tell...the plant looks very nice for a cabinet grow...


New member
2-3 weeks sounds about right, the trichs will tell...the plant looks very nice for a cabinet grow...
Thanks Boo! I think I over-fed the hell out of this girl, now at the tail end and monitoring my input and runoff EC, adjusted fertigation concentration down, and am really just getting more familiar with my nutes, and concepts such as brix, crop steering, root zone microbiology, EC ranges etc (refractometer otw!)
On my next grow I definitely want to focus the brix and microsphere in the coco, and feeding the added mycorrhiza from the start.
I made a TON of rookie mistakes on this one, but am very excited for my next grow in the 2x4 - will be running Pennywise again and Jack Herer, will be sure to update


Cabana’s bitch
AJ, if you don’t make mistakes that means you’re not learning. I’ve been growing for 23 years and I still make mistakes but fortunately most of them are very fixable. It sounds like you’ve done all the research necessary to grow excellent flowers, I’m looking forward to seeing what you will do in the future. …😉

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