The first time I ever heard about BHO was a few years back on OG, and I've been real curious about it ever since then. I remember looking at the posts by Phife & HMK in particular & wanting to try it one day. I began looking for a decent butane, but living up here all I could ever find were the shitty ones (Ronson, Bernz-o-Matic etc...) Even our cigar shops would only carry these brands. Also it was impossible for me to find any trim from growers, as I know none, so I would have had to use comercial buds, which is very expensive. With all the hassle I kind of forgot about it all.
Jump to a few weeks ago. I've been working out of town for a while in a shitty little remote vilage. I stop for gas close by, and right on the counter in the gas station they have a 3 300ml cans of Colibri for a decent price. Right away I grab those, remembering about the whole BHO thing. Unfortunately my first grow setup is still in the works, so I went out and picked up an ounce of the usual bud I get, which is very nice anyway & let it dry out for a few days. Found a stainless steel turkey baster, screen, coffee filters, so then I was all set.
Since this was my first time, I went for quality vs. yield, and used whole uncrushed buds. I ended up fitting about 1/3 oz in the baster. The whole extraction went fine thanks to the many guides here. I only did a few purges, as it was late & I had to work early, but I am pretty sure the butane was well evaporated. The oil, while there wasnt much, looked very cool. Almost clear with just the slightest tint of yellow. It hardened VERY quickly, mostly because I did the whole thing outdoors & it is basically winter here, very cold.
Now I've always had a very low tolerance for cannabis, so I'm a real light smoker. Plus I have problems waking up in the morning if I smoke the night before, so I usually only do so on weekends. But after doing my first oil run, I had to get a little taste in before going to bed.
I took a bit, rolled in into a tiny ball & did 1 bot. Taste was different, very nice though, even if it was a bot...Smoked a cigarette before heading inside, then BANG!!! It totally kicked my ass! I was totally messed up. It was crazy, I just paced around the house for I don't know how long, amazed with the buzz. But then when I went to bed, I got even more messed up, I kept buzzing harder & harder, after a while it was almost like I was on acid, started seeing things & everything, pulse racing, breathing funny the whole bit lol I also seemed to hear all kinds of little things I wouldnt normally hear, I was totally blown away.
I don't remember being so high off weed in the past 10 years, probably ever lol
I guess I was finally able to fall asleep somehow, when I woke up to go to work, I was still fucking high! Really messed up, I still seemed to have really sensitive hearing that whole morning even.
So I consider my first BHO run to be a success, needless to say. I do have a few questions though...
I had a hard time getting all of the oil scraped up from my dish, there's still a bit in there I just cant seem to gather up. Would it be ok to do another run in the same dish if there's still some oil in there?
Also I was going to reuse the buds from the first run, and grind it all up & do a second run along with a bit more powder untill the tube is full. Should the tube be cleaned after each run? I see a tiny bit of residue in there, does it matter?
Thanks to all the BHO lovers for turning me onto this, very impressed
(can't post pics as I didn't have time, but will add some later)
Jump to a few weeks ago. I've been working out of town for a while in a shitty little remote vilage. I stop for gas close by, and right on the counter in the gas station they have a 3 300ml cans of Colibri for a decent price. Right away I grab those, remembering about the whole BHO thing. Unfortunately my first grow setup is still in the works, so I went out and picked up an ounce of the usual bud I get, which is very nice anyway & let it dry out for a few days. Found a stainless steel turkey baster, screen, coffee filters, so then I was all set.
Since this was my first time, I went for quality vs. yield, and used whole uncrushed buds. I ended up fitting about 1/3 oz in the baster. The whole extraction went fine thanks to the many guides here. I only did a few purges, as it was late & I had to work early, but I am pretty sure the butane was well evaporated. The oil, while there wasnt much, looked very cool. Almost clear with just the slightest tint of yellow. It hardened VERY quickly, mostly because I did the whole thing outdoors & it is basically winter here, very cold.
Now I've always had a very low tolerance for cannabis, so I'm a real light smoker. Plus I have problems waking up in the morning if I smoke the night before, so I usually only do so on weekends. But after doing my first oil run, I had to get a little taste in before going to bed.
I took a bit, rolled in into a tiny ball & did 1 bot. Taste was different, very nice though, even if it was a bot...Smoked a cigarette before heading inside, then BANG!!! It totally kicked my ass! I was totally messed up. It was crazy, I just paced around the house for I don't know how long, amazed with the buzz. But then when I went to bed, I got even more messed up, I kept buzzing harder & harder, after a while it was almost like I was on acid, started seeing things & everything, pulse racing, breathing funny the whole bit lol I also seemed to hear all kinds of little things I wouldnt normally hear, I was totally blown away.
I don't remember being so high off weed in the past 10 years, probably ever lol
I guess I was finally able to fall asleep somehow, when I woke up to go to work, I was still fucking high! Really messed up, I still seemed to have really sensitive hearing that whole morning even.
So I consider my first BHO run to be a success, needless to say. I do have a few questions though...
I had a hard time getting all of the oil scraped up from my dish, there's still a bit in there I just cant seem to gather up. Would it be ok to do another run in the same dish if there's still some oil in there?
Also I was going to reuse the buds from the first run, and grind it all up & do a second run along with a bit more powder untill the tube is full. Should the tube be cleaned after each run? I see a tiny bit of residue in there, does it matter?
Thanks to all the BHO lovers for turning me onto this, very impressed
(can't post pics as I didn't have time, but will add some later)