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First Guy To Buy Legal In Washington? Fired From His Job


Active member
I would not be surprised if a case like this ends up in court for unfair dismissal or something similar . After all he was smoking in his own time & not while at work , he was smoking a legal substance in that state . How can his employers rules apply now ? nobody is breaking the law .


Señor Member
He admits he signed a contract promising to NEVER have it in his system. It was a breach of contract. It still sucks, but I'm just saying, he knew this would happen if he failed a drug test. He'll be able to find another job. I mean damn, I would imagine there will be a whole new drive for security guard jobs surrounding the legal cannabis industry, right?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Just another case of how the current method of urine testing is bogus and why there needs to be a change. Yeah sure he came up dirty but if he didn't smoke any more he'd still come up dirty the next day, the next week, maybe even the next month given his size and what his metabolism is likely to be. A dirty urine in other words does not equate to being high on the job. Would this company be concerned if they had an employee drinking alcohol on the job? Most likely. Well what if alcohol stayed traceable in one's urine as long as marijuana does? I bet most of their employees would come up dirty if that were the case.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
He admits he signed a contract promising to NEVER have it in his system. It was a breach of contract. It still sucks, but I'm just saying, he knew this would happen if he failed a drug test. He'll be able to find another job. I mean damn, I would imagine there will be a whole new drive for security guard jobs surrounding the legal cannabis industry, right?

I like his moxie, takes off from work, waits 20 hours (like buying R&R concert tickets in the old days), and then shines it on when he gets fired, "I'm #1!" that's class.......

I'd rather be confronted by a security guard who got stoned last night than one who's working on a thermos full of coffee n' whiskey.



Active member
I stopped smoking and was being tested for a while. I am a big guy, with extra fat, and it took me almost 3 solid months before the pot was out of my system. Spiked a couple times around 2 weeks and a month and everybody thought I was smoking again. Just the way the body works for us big fella's.
He admits he signed a contract promising to NEVER have it in his system. It was a breach of contract. It still sucks, but I'm just saying, he knew this would happen if he failed a drug test. He'll be able to find another job. I mean damn, I would imagine there will be a whole new drive for security guard jobs surrounding the legal cannabis industry, right?

^^ Yea this and another point I wanted to add. He is a liability to the security company.

Suppose this guy is say, on post at a jewelry store and during busy hours, someone reaches behind a counter and swipes a few watches. Say that's a loss of about 15K. Not huge, not little either though. Someone is gonna hurt a few weeks from that but the store won't close.

Now that store can take the security company to court and say they provided in adequate service because they employ people who use mind altering drugs.

I'm not saying the judge is immediately going to accept the argument, but you can say that it is against the terms of service in the contract and most likely, it'll be cheaper to settle with the jewelry store than pay what may be extensive legal fees and court costs if they win.


So now there's going to be a "yellow rush" in legalized states I imagine. Piss test companies are going to line the pockets of our corrupt politicians to pass laws mandating piss tests for state workers and any schmuck deemed "essential" or considered an "at risk" job in the state.

Drive a cab? That's an "at risk" job! Mandatory piss tests.

Operate heavy machinery? That's an "at risk" job! Mandatory piss tests.

Food handler? Piss test!

Mechanic? Piss test!

When will the madness end.................


Señor Member
I'm not gonna lie... I'm all in favor of cab drivers being drug tested. I don't want to be in the back seat the day that some taxi-driving weed-noob decides he's going to "try a little pot, see how it feels" before his shift begins. What I am against, though, is the standard of the urinalysis. I believe research needs to be done in the arena of non-invasive drug tests that determine if someone is high RIGHT NOW... not whether they got high at all in the past month or so.


Active member
Guy was from another state I believe. Not that he wouldn't be treated the same in a medical or legal state.


Active member
I'm not gonna lie... I'm all in favor of cab drivers being drug tested. I don't want to be in the back seat the day that some taxi-driving weed-noob decides he's going to "try a little pot, see how it feels" before his shift begins. What I am against, though, is the standard of the urinalysis. I believe research needs to be done in the arena of non-invasive drug tests that determine if someone is high RIGHT NOW... not whether they got high at all in the past month or so.

Agreed. Piss tests do not determine intoxication wrt cannabis, at all.
You have to take a piss test be be hired as a no skill worker just to collect shopping carts at walmart. There are many companies now that will not hire anyone who uses tobacco or drinks, even if only on their own time, and even though that is legal in state and federal laws. Blood sugar and cholesterol levels will be next in order to have a job since the guberment now mandates healthcare.

So now there's going to be a "yellow rush" in legalized states I imagine. Piss test companies are going to line the pockets of our corrupt politicians to pass laws mandating piss tests for state workers and any schmuck deemed "essential" or considered an "at risk" job in the state.

Drive a cab? That's an "at risk" job! Mandatory piss tests.

Operate heavy machinery? That's an "at risk" job! Mandatory piss tests.

Food handler? Piss test!

Mechanic? Piss test!

When will the madness end.................
Agreed. Piss tests do not determine intoxication wrt cannabis, at all.
All of the hard drugs that can kill you and cause you to kill others will flush out of ones system in 24-72 hours. It is a narrow window to catch a cocain, heroine, or morphine user. If they do not use daily, it is a hit and miss. Only marijuana sticks in ones system for so long, and that itself does not indicate being under the influence, as that is broken down metabolites, not active THC. Active THC is another different test and even with that, there is no measure for impairment. People driving on legally prescribed narcotics with warnings not to drive while using them scare me more than a pothead who just wants to be left alone.


Active member
So now there's going to be a "yellow rush" in legalized states I imagine. Piss test companies are going to line the pockets of our corrupt politicians to pass laws mandating piss tests for state workers and any schmuck deemed "essential" or considered an "at risk" job in the state.

Drive a cab? That's an "at risk" job! Mandatory piss tests.

Operate heavy machinery? That's an "at risk" job! Mandatory piss tests.

Food handler? Piss test!

Mechanic? Piss test!

When will the madness end.................

The madness will end when cannabis use is no longer illegal at the federal level. random testing is already mandated for transportation workers, has been for a long time. Prohibitionists managed to blur the lines between law enforcement, employer rights, past intoxication & present intoxication.

It's all made possible by the fact that pot smoking is illegal. Having thc metabolites in your urine is proof that you are a criminal. Your mandatory minimum sentence is to put up with whatever penalty your employer imposes up to & including termination.

If you know that penalty is termination & that you very likely won't pass, just quit. Don't refuse the test- just quit instead. Even though your employment records are supposedly confidential, HR types are obvious liars, cheats & charlatans- small business people often worse- don't give anybody any ammunition.


Active member
Yea this and another point I wanted to add. He is a liability to the security company.

This sounds like something a politician or police would say . As a poster on a cannabis site you must agree with MJ & disagree with the stupid F ing laws we have to suffer . We all know your not shot to pieces at work if you have a couple of blunts the night before so why would he be a liability to the security company ?

Oh yes it`s the stupid F ing law & rules .


Active member
This sounds like something a politician or police would say . As a poster on a cannabis site you must agree with MJ & disagree with the stupid F ing laws we have to suffer . We all know your not shot to pieces at work if you have a couple of blunts the night before so why would he be a liability to the security company ?

Oh yes it`s the stupid F ing law & rules .

Security companies need to provide the appearance of total propriety, the appearance that their employees are above legal reproach.

Doesn't mean it's true, just that they must project that image both in public & in private. Pot smokers on the payroll fails that test. Drinkers & tobacco users pass because those things are legal.

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