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Fine Tuning Cutting Edge Solutions Feeding Schedule


I have been using CES for a while now. I have been running a nutrient schedule that was passed on to me a from a friend, but I am looking to fine tune my feeding schedule. I dug up this thread post by Urkle which was super helpful and raised even more questions for me. Although I always assumed something like this existed I never knew exactly where to find it or exactly how to interpret it. After reading that thread and going over the CannaStats page I am more convinced I could use some fine tuning.

I have been running the following Schedule. PPM readings are using a .7 Scale.

5 - GROW
2.5 - MICRO
2.5 - BLOOM
1 - Rapid Start
1 - Superthrive
700 ppm

Week 1 and 2
2.5 - GROW
5 - Plant Amp
4 - Uncle Johns
1 - Rapid Start
1,000 ppm

Week 3
0 - GROW
5 - Plant Amp
4 - Uncle Johns
1 tbsp - Powder KoolBloom
1,200 ppm

Week 4, 5 and 6
0 - GROW
6 - Plant Amp
5 - Uncle Johns

Week 7-9
0 - GROW
6 - Plant Amp
5 - Uncle Johns
3 tbsp - Powder KoolBloom
9ml - Cannazyme
1,550 ppm

Week 10

The first thing I noticed in Urkle's post was that he didn't include Grow. He only used Micro and Bloom all the way through. Is this common? Can the plants needs really be met in veg without using Grow?

Is it common for nutrient lines to put out a Grow product even though the plants thrive off a specific balance of the Micro and Bloom?

I also have to note, Urkle's post is from 2010. Does it still hold up? Has the formula changed? Do you think that those numbers are still accurate?

I was recommended to discontinue use of MagAmp in place for Uncle Johns Blend. I was told Uncle Johns Blend has Mg, although I don't know if this is true. Can anyone vouch for or against this? Have I been using the optimal amount of Uncle Johns at the right time?

What do you think of my use of the Powder Koolbloom? During Week 3 at 1 tbsp per gal. Weeks 7-9 at 3 tbsp per gal.

Would you recommend changing my feeding schedule to align more with Urkle's Post?

If you're running Cutting Edge Solutions what does your feeding schedule look like? Veg and Bloom.



Ripped since 1965
What do you think of my use of the Powder Koolbloom? During Weeks 7-9 at 3 tbsp per gal.

:laughing:I think this feeding schedule was posted by the DEA. On the plus side they'll be ready to harvest a couple days after the first time you whack them with 3tsp/gal of powdered koolbloom.:biggrin:
Yes people use micro and bloom and not the grow with some products. Reason is because micro contains enough N.
That's all I got:tiphat:


Ripped since 1965
My bad I read your recipe wrong. It calls for 3tbsp/gal and not 3tsp/gal of koolbloom. 3tbsp of koolbloom is 45 grams per gallon. I've used koolbloom and burned plants with 1 gram per gallon. That stuff is 2-45-28 STRONG. The instructions on the koolbloom container call for 1/4tsp/gal or 1.25grams/gal, even that is too much sometimes. 45g/gal koolbloom is a plant killer dose.
What's with that 1550ppm in weeks 7-9? Is that ecx500 or ecx700 conversion? We talk in ecx500 here. 1550ppm would make that recipe at 3.0 ec which is beyond way too high. Sorry that's all I got and can't help with the Cutting Edge part of that recipe:tiphat:


Ripped since 1965
My bad again, there are about 21 grams of koolbloom in a tbls. So your feeding schedule calls for 3tbls a gal or 63 grams a gallon of koolbloom powder. Beyond insane feeding schedule.


Most people start off with 1/2 strength and go from there. For example, with GH, the Veg ratio is 3-2-1 (TSP) (Gro-Micro-Bloom) so you'd start with 1-1/2 Gro, 1 Micro, 1/2 Bloom.
That's just an example.


New member
Anyone else have experience with Cutting Edge?

dude... that's a lot of shiz your trying to pump into your girls. I been using CES for three years and love it. its plenty on its own to grow straight dank. you don't need all that other koolbloom and whatnots. you don't even need the grow. CES has great ratios for MJ, much better than other nutes.

im testing Natures Nectar right now but only because its full organic and more controllable. I just want to compare. I grow bomb with this formula using CES and a lot of it.

ml to 1 gal water. mix in order listed.

5 - micro
8 - bloom
1 - mag amp
PH to 6.0
5 - plant amp

this is designed to run in coco so don't use it in any other type of medium. I also use 600w so if you got less light weaken the strength. just use more or less water to adjust the strength. DO NOT ADJUST THE RATIOS. feed seedlings half strength till the first set of five finger leaves show, then full strength from then on.

no adjustments for bloom. everything the plants need is in there, but I like to use uncle johns. it definitely kicks the oil up a notch and helps put on a little more weight.

I run all my strains 9 weeks.
starting week 6 loose the micro to drop the N. this makes for a much better smoke.

weeks 6-8
7 - bloom
5 - uncle johns
1 - mag amp
PH to 6.0
5 - plant amp

this juice grows dank. enjoy... my friend.


Registered Non-Conformist
Old thread, but an example of someone trying to reinvent the wheel. A common mistake and temptation. CES has a feed chart that they tailored their nute line to. If one follows it, things go good.

Having said that, I still experiment by adding additives to the H and G line, haha.... !