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Few Problems


the Revenant
What STRAIN are you growing? unknown bagseed & big buddah cheese
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) seed
What is the age of your plants? 15 days flower, about 2.5 months all together
How Tall are the plants? shorter than 14"
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? flower
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc) LST, FIM
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot) 1 gal.
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) promix with some perlite
What Nutrient's are you using?How much of each with how much water? How Often? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* budswell flower, calmag plus, PBP bloom for soil, every watering
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used? 3ml calmag, 3tbsp. budswell, so far 15ml PBP bloom
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"? 6.5
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen? pen
How often are you watering? about every 4 days as needed
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding? 3 days ago
What size bulb are you using? 400w hps
What is the distance to the canopy?10-14"
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity) i keep it at 50
What is the canopy temperature? 80
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range) 70-80
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) 250cfm
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? yes
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist? moist
Is your water HARD or SOFT? soft
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched? FIM, pruned undergrowth
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? Neem, 2 days ago
Are plant's infected with pest's? i hope not

One plant has yellow budsites, and the other doesnt but has a few leaves with brown spots. sorry for the bad pix

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the Revenant
im gona try to self diagnose here... the spots are from a calcium deficiency?
and the yellowing bud sites are a iron deficiency?

I figured the nutes i am currently feeding wouldnt have let that happen.
Should i increase my calmag to 5ml ? im currently on 3ml.
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
you see this alot lately...ph troubles...its to high....promix is soilless..Ph going in needs to be between 5.5 - 6.2...5.8 being optimum.... and are you giving nutes every feeding?
i would't give them anything untill you get your ph solved...


the Revenant
hmm no im using organic soil, so i guess i misspoke when i said promix, my bad. i dont have a PH prob, my PH stake says my soil is around 6.
Hi Pirate,

in the first pic, i can see some Mg deficiency. Probably, like you said some more micro nutrients are missing. Is there enough S in your nutrients?

Second pic shows low N-P-K cause it appears in lower leafs. Main elements are low.

I would feed them a good dose of veg ferts(something ballanced), since your in early flowering.

I hope that helps a bit


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
then what are you growing in??......coz 6 is a bit to low for soil...lol can't help it man ...it ain't al the same...:smile:


Can you see roots at the bottom of the pot? Maybe she is rootbound? :confused: just guessin


Dr. Doolittle
Reason why one is having problems and not the other is because you are growing out 2 different strains; they all have different requirements.
That's a lot of food to be feeding every 4 days, espeically since you are doing it every watering; you can't feed every watering like that; the plant has to have a drink to flush out built up salts left over from nutirents that was present in the soil; I would flush her out real good; it looks like the plant is overfed and locking out magneisum and nitrogen.......

The feeding is outragious for that size of plant; there is no doubt you got some major lockouts going........
Like dre said they are rootbound, 1 gallon size pots for 14 in tall plants? you are supossed to have 12 in tall plants to a one gallon size pot MINIMUM, so you are supossed to have at least a 2 gallon size pot..... I bet if you remove it your plants are near rootbound.

You should be feeding every 7 days and not be feeding every watering..... like core has said to your pH is off too; so I am sure there is lockout going, mainly caused by the pH;because if your pH was working good your plants for there size and amount of nutrients you are using; they would be toast!


the Revenant
OK, next watering i wont feed and instead i will flush with just water and will only feed once a week as suggested. I actually went and measured my plants and the tallest is only 10" not 14" sorry bad guesstimation. So for a 1 gallon pot max height should be 12"? Next grow i will be upsizing to 1.5 gal. pots, so whats the tallest i can get a plant in there, 18"? thanx guys, great help.


Here is what your adding in parts per million:

Pure Blend Pro Bloom Soil
1.0625 grams/ml
N 42
P 49
K 116
Mg 14
Ca 28

Botanicare Cal Mag Plus
1.0208 grams/ml
N 54
P 0
K 0
Mg 32
Ca 86
Fe 2.7

Your only adding 31 ppms magnesium. (21 + 9.6) If you have not repotted lately with dolomite lime, your going to start seeing magnesium deficiency. With little lime, you want 4 parts potassium to 2 parts calcium to 1 part magnesium in your fert water. Your adding 174 ppm potassium (1.5 x 116)so you divide by 4 to find you need 44 ppm magnesium not 31. So double your cal mag plus to 6 ml per gallon

You don't need budswell or whatever. Your adding 74 ppm phosphorus with pbp which is alot.

How to test soil ph using the pour through method: After watering/fertilizing till runoff, wait 1 hour. Then add some distilled water till you get about 1 ounce of runoff. Catch on a saucer or plate. Test this ph. Ph in promix/soilless mixes should be about 5.6 to 6.2

You can prevent ph problems by ph adjusting the fert water after addding everything to 5.8 to 6

Merry Christmas Pirate :D


Dr. Doolittle
1.5 gallon size pot you should be using right now minimum..... 10 in is almost rootbound in a 1 gallon size pot; after the plants show there stretch burst of growth in the pot you wait to wait a week or 2 and transplant into a bigger pot; when you transplant you want to do it in increatments not just throw it into a big pot. Doing that will result your plant in delayed growth; cannabis roots it's pots when 75 to 80% of it's pot has been rooted; so when you see the explosive growth you know the plant will be rootbound soon.

BV is sorta right; only because he has been here for ages and is teaching other cops how to grow :p

Funny how the cops come here to learn how to grow; we are teaching cops all our secrets.

BV, never in my life did I ever think I would teach a cop how to grow pot :p
I know you read all my posts........ You have very much in the past and am sure you do it now too.

Ladies and Gents; we have a live one here!


the Revenant
MynameStitch said:
1.5 gallon size pot you should be using right now minimum..... 10 in is almost rootbound in a 1 gallon size pot; after the plants show there stretch burst of growth in the pot you wait to wait a week or 2 and transplant into a bigger pot; when you transplant you want to do it in increatments not just throw it into a big pot. Doing that will result your plant in delayed growth; cannabis roots it's pots when 75 to 80% of it's pot has been rooted; so when you see the explosive growth you know the plant will be rootbound soon.

Ladies and Gents; we have a live one here!

hey stitch, how do i transplant in increments? so will a 1.5 gallon be big enough to bring my plants through there lives without being to rootbound? i am LSTing and keeping them short. i am trying to see if 1.5 gallon will be sufficient for my small cab grow or if i should upgrade to a 2 gal. container. thanx


Dr. Doolittle
Like start out with cups; move to one gallon size pot then to a 3 gallon size then to a 5 gallon size and so on... depending on how long you veg them and how big you want them to grow; I always flowered in 5 gallon buckets; but I grew nice trees for soil growing.

Depends; how long have your plants been in flowering?
If your near harvest about 3 weeks away I would not worry about it...... but if you got longer than go ahead and put them into bigger pots; but not much bigger; by the time the plant is near harvest it would have rooted the rest of it. Cannabis root's grow the biggest and fastest in the first 2 weeks of flowering; so when it roots that pot up the growth rate of the roots will slow down a bit... but still grows but not as fast as it did in the first 2 weeks; so when you give it a new pot the plant does grow and fill up the pot and you get some nice buds; plants that are rootbound in flower show deficiencies and grow slower and some won't finish; meaning the potency of the buds will decrease because the plant is not moving along like it should.

Rootbound causes a lot of problems........


the Revenant
they have been flowering for about 18 days, so it sounds like i can transplant to my 1.5 gal. pot. Again stitch i understand you flower in 5 gal. pots and that you grow tress, but as far as a cab grow which has 3 feet of vertical growing space what size pots should i be using? i cant use to big cause they will take up to much room, so can my 1.5 be good enough or should i mos def upgrade to a 2 gal?


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
ask him what brand he is growing in Stitch ..he won't answer my Q's....he say's soil but that could be organic potting soil ey....
just look a bit a that mixture...seems like bark and such....atleast it looks organic to me....


Dr. Doolittle
WHat mixture is your plants in; core has a good point; Pirate; why are you not answering his questions he asks; but you are answering mine? He is taking the time to help you too; would be very nice if you could answer his questions too! I confused this thread with you were using biobizz light mix...... what mixture are you using so we know what pH your mixture needs to be.


the Revenant
My apologies core & stitch, i guess i missed that question. My friend mixed this for me so i had to ask him. The base was organic potting soil, then came kelp meal, rock phosphate, so-fo mag, perlite, sifted goat manure, and some dolomite.


MynameStitch said:
1.5 gallon size pot you should be using right now minimum..... 10 in is almost rootbound in a 1 gallon size pot; after the plants show there stretch burst of growth in the pot you wait to wait a week or 2 and transplant into a bigger pot; when you transplant you want to do it in increatments not just throw it into a big pot. Doing that will result your plant in delayed growth; cannabis roots it's pots when 75 to 80% of it's pot has been rooted; so when you see the explosive growth you know the plant will be rootbound soon.

BV is sorta right; only because he has been here for ages and is teaching other cops how to grow :p

Funny how the cops come here to learn how to grow; we are teaching cops all our secrets.

BV, never in my life did I ever think I would teach a cop how to grow pot :p
I know you read all my posts........ You have very much in the past and am sure you do it now too.

Ladies and Gents; we have a live one here!
Shut the **** up.

Pirate, reread my last post carefully. If you keep experiencing pale bottom leaves after trying increasing cal mag plus, dose the plants once with 1 teaspoon epsom salts per gallon of water.

Peace and I am out of this thread...


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
you is the one that needs TO S THE FUCK UP.. BV. :cuss: ..can't you see your not wanted here....we just pinpointed his problem...don't you go make it worse.... :cuss:
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