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Fert.Effects on plant Odor..??


Active member
Most of my growing in the past has been outdoors..at least the smelly part of it, I usually start inside first.I have a friend who grows the stinkiest rank stuff this side of Mexico.He is chemical all the way.He uses the general Hydroponics hi=npk stuff.WE have grown identical strains, mine smell totally different. His smell so much it can't be contained. Mine on the other hand smell like subtle perfume.The nice thing about my plants,I'm not in constant paranoia over herendous odor control.I know there must be a correlation here between the chemical and organic differences..effecting final smell. Any one have any ideas to share or noticed diffent Ferts changing plant odor??


**AWD** Aficianado
What you feed your plant IMHO has effect on taste but it's neverending debate on whether or not it does.
Most organic growers describe a more pleasurable pallet to their pot others content that with a "flushing" near the end when using chems delivers the same results.
All I know is my current strain taste totrally different in coco with PBPro than in soil with ammendments, guanos, and teas.



**AWD** Aficianado
They where both fucking good so worse is not something that comes to mind but I feel that soil with guanos grows a tatier herb, a noticeable smoothness and an earthier smell.
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- ezra -

I have noticed WCs have a positive effect on taste. Organic herb has so much more depth of pallet. Its not that it is more or less strong smelling, but I would say the smell and flavours are more complex and well rounded. more of a full spectrum, where as bud fed with chems will produce mostly a monochromatic aroma.


Active member
Ezra- no offense meant- but your avatar it phvqving scary man-something about hte look.

Anyway, what is yoru tea recipe?


matthew barrack

New member
well put

well put

"I have noticed WCs have a positive effect on taste. Organic herb has so much more depth of pallet. Its not that it is more or less strong smelling, but I would say the smell and flavours are more complex and well rounded. more of a full spectrum, where as bud fed with chems will produce mostly a monochromatic aroma."

nice english late matt

- ezra -

minds I -
lol yea I know. have you seen the movie Clockwork Orange? Its a Stanly Kubrik film. The character in called Alex and he is very disturbed. Its a classic movie, go rent it, get whacked and watch it, its a trip. Warning - some people say they couldnt watch this movie because its too intense.

Also I dont make tea. I add raw WCs into my medium, and I feed liquid organic ferts based on fish emulsion, kelp extract and humic acid. Also some liquid WCs (worm wee)


Active member

Yes, I have and I knew I have seen that person somewhere. Clockwork Orange is definatively strange. I saw it in 76'. I have no interest to see it again. To weird for my baked brain.



Active member
Believe it or not, the book that movie is based on is pretty funny. Whacked and violent, but funny.

I've read such good things about coco, including its positive effect on taste, that I want to try it in my next soil mix. One easy-looking recipe had only three ingredients: 1/3 coco, 1/3 high-quality soil mix, and 1/3 worm castings. I imagine a person could swap out the worm castings for bat guano for a flowering mix.

Edit: Turns out that mix is 1/3 coco, 1/3 perlite, and 1/3 ocean forest. I'd still be tempted to experiment with worm castings and bat guano too, though.
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one in the chamber
high P indonesian bat guano worked absolute wonders for my last crop. if og hadn't gone down, i'd post pics :(