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Federal Medical Marijuana Law Threatened By White House Veto


ICMag Donor

A spending bill provision that would limit the use of federal funds to go after medical marijuana laws passed the House on Wednesday, June 3. Reuters

A spending bill amendment that will continue to prohibit the federal government from interfering with state medical marijuana laws passed the House on Wednesday. A previous version of the provision, which was passed as part of the so-called cromnibus spending bill in December, would have expired in September.
The provision limits spending by U.S. agencies, including the Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Administration, from using funds to go after state marijuana laws that allow for medicinal use, possession and distribution of marijuana. It had been introduced eight times since 2003, but last year was the first time it made it through Congress.
“Votes in support of rolling back the federal government’s war on medical marijuana are beginning to become routine,” said Dan Riffle, director for federal policies at the Marijuana Policy Project, a group that works to reform marijuana policy, in a statement. “Last year, passing this amendment was unprecedented. This year, it was predictable. Medical marijuana has gone from ‘controversial’ to ‘conventional’ on Capitol Hill.”
The overall spending bill would provide $51 billion in funding for the Justice and Commerce departments, as well as science agencies. It has received a veto threat from the White House, which has said the Republican budget framework in motion “drastically underfunds critical investments in research and development.”
“The President's senior advisors would recommend that he veto [this spending bill] and any other legislation that implements the current Republican budget framework, which blocks the investments needed for our economy to compete in the future,” the White House said, according to the Hill.
The medical marijuana amendment would have a good chance in future budget proposals, however, since it has already passed through Congress before. Further amendments that would bar the federal government from interfering with other state marijuana laws beyond medical marijuana, such as full-on legalization in states such as Colorado and Washington, are expected to be introduced as well, according to the MPP release.
Medical marijuana has been found to help treat or manage a variety of diseases and symptoms, including multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy, and Alzheimer's disease.
Currently, there are 23 states with medicinal marijuana on the books. There are four states where marijuana is legal.


Active member
Obama is beneath contempt. He has been bludgeoning the Trans Pacific trade agreement through without releasing the contents. No one has read the complex bill, which runs over 1000 pages, but they are expected to pass it. Who knows what is in there? Why is he hiding it? Point being, his audacity has reached stratospheric levels. He has played king on so many issues, his mendacity knows no bounds, so why would he care about stoners or people who really need this healing herb?
He's playing politics with people's lives. It's disgusting at this point, as the evidence is there. The "other side's" argument is no longer valid.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I don't think Obama cares about weed that much. He might veto this bill because of a bunch of unrelated things, not the MMJ provision. It's cool that Congress actually passed this, but it would be nice if they passed something like this in a separate bill.

This is one of the reasons why Republicans (and some Democrats) wanted the President to have the power of a line item veto. The President could veto some of the spending cuts he disagreed with while letting the MMJ provision through.


Obama is beneath contempt. He has been bludgeoning the Trans Pacific trade agreement through without releasing the contents. No one has read the complex bill, which runs over 1000 pages, but they are expected to pass it. Who knows what is in there? Why is he hiding it? Point being, his audacity has reached stratospheric levels. He has played king on so many issues, his mendacity knows no bounds, so why would he care about stoners or people who really need this healing herb?
He's playing politics with people's lives. It's disgusting at this point, as the evidence is there. The "other side's" argument is no longer valid.

as much of a liar as Obama is...he is hardly acting alone on this. You aren't really serious are you?


3rd-Eye Jedi
It has received a veto threat from the White House, which has said the Republican budget framework in motion “drastically underfunds critical investments in research and development.”

Sounds like they already had the money spent and don't want to let it go.


3rd-Eye Jedi
as much of a liar as Obama is...he is hardly acting alone on this. You aren't really serious are you?

He isn't against it either, it is like the nafta, and will undermine the average American's value.


Well-known member
Once their was labor to keep one of our parties in line. That in turn was what kept the second party in line. Now there is nothing but corporate money, and so the country now belongs to them not us any more.
They have been at this for a long time, they damn near pulled it off in the thirties, fellow by the name of Smedley turned it upside down and bought us more time.
Smedley Butler is a hero and every politician who sells us out to the corporate is a traitor. Party be damned.

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
This bill defunds the fcc and will effectively kill net neutrality , laws which went into effect today. Veto it, Obama, this is pandering and using the mmj movement to try and get support when they know they never intended this thing to get past obamas desk.

this is rethuglican posturing


Active member
This bill defunds the fcc and will effectively kill net neutrality , laws which went into effect today. Veto it, Obama, this is pandering and using the mmj movement to try and get support when they know they never intended this thing to get past obamas desk.

this is rethuglican posturing

Thank you. Any veto would be unrelated to the cannabis provisions of the bill.

It's just more pandering & hostage taking by Republicans.

It doesn't matter, anyway, because the Obama Admin isn't letting the DEA play games in states that actually have their shit together. Since thid memo was issued, there has been zero federal interference in the legit operation of any CO legal marijuana businesses.


They have taken down 2 large operations who were shipping out of state.


Active member
The next President should have a favorable stance on mj

Not if he's a Republican, but he'll already have been screwed by the Obama Admin.

Presented with the opportunity to further the cause of legalization, Obama & Holder have done so. That needs to be acknowledged by everybody simply because it's the truth.

Prohibition forces knew they were screwed when Obama framed it in terms of States' Rights. It's like he smacked 'em right between the eyes with a big rubber mallet. They're stumbling around dazed & sputtering while CO & others prove that legalization is superior public policy.

Obama & Holder have done more for us that any President & AG in history.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Obama is beneath contempt. He has been bludgeoning the Trans Pacific trade agreement through without releasing the contents. No one has read the complex bill, which runs over 1000 pages, but they are expected to pass it. Who knows what is in there? Why is he hiding it? Point being, his audacity has reached stratospheric levels. He has played king on so many issues, his mendacity knows no bounds, so why would he care about stoners or people who really need this healing herb?
He's playing politics with people's lives. It's disgusting at this point, as the evidence is there. The "other side's" argument is no longer valid.

If you like your job you can keep your job...:moon:


Registered Non-Conformist
It doesn't matter, anyway, because the Obama Admin isn't letting the DEA play games in states that actually have their shit together. Since thid memo was issued, there has been zero federal interference in the legit operation of any CO legal marijuana businesses.


They have taken down 2 large operations who were shipping out of state.

Except for In Michigan and California en masse. Crazy raiding. For reasons not accountable at all. No arrests, but confiscation of all things. Some places are re-opened the next day.


Active member
Except for In Michigan and California en masse. Crazy raiding. For reasons not accountable at all. No arrests, but confiscation of all things. Some places are re-opened the next day.

I specified states who have their shit together. You know, as in having a coherent legal framework.