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Fat-Robs Outdoor New England Grow with Female Seeds


My name is Fat-Rob and i hail from northern new england. I was in the past a long time member of overgrow and i am a big fan of cannabis and real excited to try this website out, it looks great and very welcoming. Im Growing 4 Female seeds white widow X big bud and 4 Female seeds Purple Power.
Now 7 of the plants are roughly 6 weeks old. The other plant is a white widow X big bud and its been growing 3 weeks longer than all the others, however about 2 weeks ago it ceased growth and started becoming yellow, starting from the bottom, and began working its way up. It now pretty much killed the lower part of that 1 plant.
I dont think its related to the environment its in because the other 7 plants seem to be doing very well, thus, it must be something else such as a nutrient deficiency or something of that nature. These plants have been recieving no nutrients or any supplements so far, but i recieved Advanced nutrients iguana juice grow formula in the mail yesterday.
I also recieved big bud powder, but that will be saved till much later. I diluted 1 tablespoon of the iguana juice formula with a quart of filtered water and watered them evenly yesterday. I sure hope that the nutrients help out my 1 yellowed plant. What do you guys think it could be? any help would be appreciated.
Also, im really scared of overburning the plants with my new iguana juice, yesterday i mixed it up 1 tbs. to a quart like the label said, and used that to water all 8 of my plants. How often can i give my plants a feeding and how much, considering my plants recieved no nutrients up to this point. And is there any supplements i should look into getting? Any help appreciated, thanks.

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Hello, fat-rob, it looks like a simple nitrogen defeincy which should easily be fixed by fertilizng. Should be nothing to worry about.

I have some Female Seeds C99 and Maroc, though they have had a tough time outside so far.

Looks like your off to a good start, happy growing!


Active member
looking good man, give them a good dose of fertiliser's and they will take off! get them older one's in larger container's asap.


Yea def wanna transplant and good luck with the jar with the mouth i suggest using a dremel with a cutting wheel.


pez, thanks for the advice, thats what i was hoping it was. I gave them a shot of iguana juice a couple days ago hopefully it will do them well. This gets to my next question, how often should i be giving my plants fertilizer, obviously not every day right? I need to get a good idea of how often to fertilize 8 plants and how much to use, i used only 1 quart for 8 plants 2 days ago, im thinking of using 2 this time.

sm0kateer4204, thanks alot man, i really do wanna start transplanting some of these plants, im goona take a ride to walmart, and if i dont like what i find there for pots i might just buy 5 gallon grow bags, because last time i checked wal mart didnt have too good of a selection. But im goona give it a shot, maybe a nursery too actually.

CCronik, Its funny you noticed that jar like thing, i dont know if i could get a dremel out in the woods but im definitely goona try and do something with that to transplant it, possibly just try and cut it with a real sharp blade, i gotta check if their rootbound yet, i wonder......

Thanks for the quick and courteous replys everyone, this is a great forum, ill give a follow up in a few days with new updated pics show everyone how things are doing. There will definitely be a noticable change, those pics are about 8-9 days old. Peace and prosperity.

-fat rob


Hey Fat Rob your plants are looking great, I got some purple power and some skunk special growing outside right now mine are only a little over 2 weeks old. Good luck man.


that it is my friend, new england is very wierd. Im goona put some updated pics up most likely tomorrow. I wanna go down there and see if that shot of iguana juice made some improvement in my plants, because its been about a week. Im also going to apply 2 more quarts of that iguana juice solution tomorrow, in which i diluted a tablespoon of iguana juice per quart of water. Does anyone else use iguana juice?

Artie Lange

ive never used any fancy fertilizers. i get neptunes harvest fish ferts. they have them at the local nursery and theyre organic.and for 10$ a bottle it cant be beat.used it for 2 seasons problem free.

fatrob: any new pics buddy?


Take Five...
Hey fat-rob,

For a real cheap grow bag, this is what I did...

I have 4 plants so I bought 4 bags of Premiere Veg and Flower mix? (with mychorrizae). and a bag of seeweed compost.

With a pitchfork I poked holes in the bottom of the bag for drainage (actually the side cuz they're laying on their side), and cut an "H" slit in the tops.

Next I open the "H" slit, mixed in the seaweed compost, bloodmeal and bonemeal and planted my little ones right in the bag. So far, so good....

The bags are laying right on the ground in some bush. This also helps to keep weeds from competing with your weed and the bag holds moisture longer.

I have to get to posting some pix of this but it seems to be working well.

Has anyone else used this method before? Results?


So you see, buy the soil, get a free grow bag with every purchase!


alright guys, im completely fucked when it comes to these plants now, ive come close to losing all hope, i went down there and there were complete ant colonies, maybe termited, rapidly moving around in my plant, a shit load of them its not even funny. All the white widowXBig bud have died. And the purple power has absolutely no leaves but there are decent 1 colas at the top of three of them, which are also happily purple, about the only thing that made me and my acomplice in crime happy today. The 1 other purple power is fucked as well with the white widows. I really dont know what to do at this point, all the leaves are either crispy yellow that break in your hands or completely gone. Its fucking retarted and i hate ants. Their rootbound and no place has bigger pots. Its been a month since i was down there. I came today and one of the pots had roots going from the bottom holes into the ground which is swampy. I then ripped the pot out of the ground and there were a massive ant colonie underneath desperately and very fastly feeding on all the roots. Must of been 1000. I am very fucking pissed these ants must die. Also all the aphids. Ortho bug b gon did not work. God help us all. I wanna at least a decent harvest off the 3 plants growing somewhat ok with colas. Any help from anyone?????? Be a friend.


I harvested one of these plants today and it wasnt that bad, maybe a week too short, but i needed to do it. I scaned the pics, the top right corner is actually a close up of a calyx on it. Its purple power. Got three more to go, transplanting the other 3 into 5 gallon pots tomorrow and mixing ortho bug b gon in the transplant soil. Peace and prosperity.


Active member
a light dusting of DE now and then and ants wont be a prob.i never had probs with ants per se but the aphids they suck the ass juice from LOL


dude...how come your plants are close to harvest and you are in northern new england? mine have just started to flower. it looks yummy btw.


Yeah, ive found that in new england you seriously need to consider the most fastest flowering strains you can find. And since i like female seeds, the purple power was the best way to go. The ones i harvested were 2 weeks early, and they were really fast phenos. Ive now got 2 left that are different phenos that need to go about 6 weeks more. Im going to transplant them into 5 gallon buckets. That should probably clear up your questions on how i harvested so early. The other 4 white widow X Big buds that i had didnt even get preflowers before the ants killed them. Just shows that in new england you need the fastest shit you can get imo. I never even consider getting strains that dont harvest before september 31st.


well i guess i'll have to keep that in mind next year...if i do this again. this is my first outdoor grow so i was flying by the seat of my pants. mine are flowering though so i should be able to harvest the beginning of oct. so far so good!
love the purple bud!


you will probably be straight dude with beginning of october. I just like to have the easy harvest before late sep.


Active member
i usually harvest up to the second week of oct.last few years the weather has been ok into the second week of oct. looking good fat rob. i gave up on early strains as they have never been as potent as slightly slower to mature plants.my plants just started flowering. heres to hoping for a mild less rainy oct.

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