Quick FAQ to cover stuff that might get asked post move
Where is chat?
We will be setting up a new chat system next week. In the meantime feel free to continue using the Discord server: https://discord.gg/PJbhFCR3UK
Where are the album / gallery / attachment thumbnails?
We're running a script in the background to re-generate thumbnails for every image on the forum, in all there are over 8 million images that we need to process. This will take until around next Tuesday.
Where are the cool weed emojis?
We will be adding these back in phase 2, promise!
Will you be making any changes to the design / styling?
I had an Old Gallery on the vb3 version of the site, where is it?
We've managed to convert the legacy photopost data into a format that allows us to import into Xen. In the next week or so we will import this data into a new Old Gallery album in your profile. We have backups of all the images and data. Your images are safe! We'll begin this part of the import on Monday 25th.
Check out this thread relating to Old Galleries: https://www.icmag.com/threads/old-galleries.18122836/
Where are the groups?
We've imported all group data but have had to disable them temporarily whilst the add-on developer works on an issue related to group member counts. This will be resolved soon! Groups should be back on Monday 25th.
We've parked groups for the time being, all the data has been imported but there are one or two issues that still need to be resolved. We will come back to them once we've completed a few more things we want to finish.
Some threads return broken inline images served by fetch data script
We're working on a fix for this
Legacy URLs using /ic/showthread.php script not working
Certain links are not being caught by the Xen redirect add-on. We will be putting a fix in place to resolve this.
more to come....
Will you be making any changes to the design / styling?
I had an Old Gallery on the vb3 version of the site, where is it?
Check out this thread relating to Old Galleries: https://www.icmag.com/threads/old-galleries.18122836/
Where are the groups?
We've parked groups for the time being, all the data has been imported but there are one or two issues that still need to be resolved. We will come back to them once we've completed a few more things we want to finish.
more to come....
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