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False Claims on Rockefeller Drug Law Reform Lead to Credibility Gap for Prosecutors


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wikipedia.com said:
Recidivism (pronounced /rɨˈsɪdɨvɪzəm/; from recidive + ism, from Latin recidīvus "recurring", from re- "back" + cadō "I fall") is the act of a person repeating an undesirable behavior after they have either experienced negative consequences of that behavior, or have been treated or trained to extinguish that behavior. It is also known as the percentage of former prisoners who are rearrested.[1]

This essentially means that people are not being re-arrested into the system after rehab or classes and whatnot. IME there are a lot of folks that were pretty much ok, until they did time for petty drug offenses. Naturally there's a huge attitude problem within prisons and attitude is first and foremost to success. (A positive attitude, that is.)

Now, as soon as the 'system' learns that cannabis 'addiction' is just an unconcious drive to medicate... we'll be saving even more lives and creating even more masses of productive citizens. :D (Right now they're just pumped full of chemical Rx and therapy)

Stay Safe! :tree:


It seems ALL of the USA are hooked either on the Big Pharmas DRUGS they peddle non-stop via "THE BOOBTUBE" or these other DRUGS that will Kill ya---DEAD.......Population Control maybe.
But Im bubblefuked right now and ranting.........