Thanks for the kudos people, Wally- I have seen some fine specimens you have grown on your side of the equator as well. The strain is the Soulshine, and our temps are more like 2deg overnight, so pretty much everything gets purple if it can survive.
Ahhhhhh Cowboy, another golden season! Given your love for hash, I might start calling you the Resin Rancher! Once again your love and attention to the plant has shown us all that you truly reap what you sow. Hats off to one of the most dedicated and crazy farmers I have ever had the pleasure of getting high with. Nice job brother. Oh ya......when is the cooking dinner??? I've got a 2000 Cote Roti that goes lovely with Soulshine resin.
Wally- maybe a little equatorial exchange could be in order............... Very few strains are able to thrive at these elevations and with such drastic temperature fluctuations. Some mornings are as low as 4 below, with the daytime highs hitting 28 degrees.