As many here know, Aeric is the source of that special 20 year old California Orange clone floating around. I've had it for about a year and a half. I really like this clone, it's the only newcomer to my garden which I consider worthy to take as much space as my romulan clone in high end comercial grows. It being older genetics, it can handle the more efficient lower light levels and still put out a quality product. A product that smells and tastes just like Tang!!
I'm creating an IBL of the clone.
I'm in the process of cubing that classic clone at the request of the original source. The Orange Crush in my seed lineup is just
the first step in that process and I'm in the middle of selecting the males for the first backcross. I know of at least one other
breeder doing the same thing and may be further along. I don't expect to be finished within a year though, I need to test my males for specific traits with test crosses, so each generation will take 2 generations to complete.
somewhere there is a post detailing the prblems I ran into with the project, making it more complicated than I anticipated. I therefore decided to put it on the back burner and concentrate on finishing off the other projects. Since then, the archived clone has "changed" and I beleive it has suffered the dreaded mislabeling disease. I don't think any of us in BC have the authentic clone anymore as all seem to have the same one I have, which is close but not the same. Therefore, the project may be put on hold permanently.