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Expansion of Medical Marijuana- IL SB 336 Opiate Alternative

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IL SB 336 signed into law by Gov. Rauner!

I did not hear any chatter regarding the recent changes to the Illinois medical marijuana which extends participation to those under treatment with opiate pain medications. This does not impact me personally, but I'm so glad things are moving in the right direction.

I'm more optimistic for the future of recreational legalization. State elections are coming up in November, make sure to educate yourselves about the candidates and get out and vote.

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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
A true sign of real hope.

My faith is being restored!

The opioid crisis is real and three strong brownies can cure a jones if you're commited.

It is refreshing to witness well intentioned legislature.


Active member
i'm 5 1/2 years off heroin & leaned heavily on cannabis to get & stay clean. many, many times i left work going back & forth in my head, really wanting to head to the city to get dope - "yes, no, yes, no..." i'd compromise & say "i'll go home, smoke a bowl first, then decide." once high i'd be all "what the hell was i thinking." i probably wouldn't have made it without weed.


Active member
Expect the opioid replacement bill to go into effect with emergency rules by the end of January. Dispensaries will begin training for implementation in the next week or so.


I don't like it. This slow trickle of "legalization" is confusing for everyone. People with health problems are not the state's priority. They just want to push more people into their dispenseries to collect $$$$ for stupid state programs.

Besides, it's the DEA that bothers pain drs and therefore patients on opiates. Most opioid pain contracts do not allow for positive urine tests for cannabis. My dr said it was grounds for immediate stepdown from opiates if cannabis pops up on the required biannual urinalyses. I can't have that.



New member
Really cool to see. As somebody who has had issues in the far past and whom now is a professional that works in mental health, this is needed. I worked in the addiction field for awhile. So many areas of Illinois were just devastated by opiates. It really did hit us in the rust belt the hardest. Not sure why I am talking like its over, because it isn't.

I visited Mapleglen CC like a day or two after the program started and there were already people using it. I know there are some doctors that are going this route. Its on them to use it.