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Exclusive: House Republican, in a first, backs legalizing marijuana


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Exclusive: House Republican, in a first, backs legalizing marijuana
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Rep. Dana Rohrabacher is the first GOP congressman to support legalizing recreational marijuana. Government control of personal behavior, the Californian tells the Monitor, is 'totally contradictory to what our country is all about.'

By Max Schindler, Staff writer <TIME id=date-published title="Published: July 14, 2014 5:07 pm EDT" class="eza-publish_date outer_block all_caps" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2014-07-14T17:33:26-04:00">July 14, 2014</TIME>

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    Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R) of California is shown here during a visit to Russia last year. The congressman said Monday he would support a likely ballot measure in his home state to legalize recreational marijuana.

    </FIGCAPTION>Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP
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US Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R) of California says he backs legalizing recreational marijuana, the first Republican member of Congress to publicly support such a shift.
The longtime libertarian congressman from affluent Orange County told the Monitor on Monday he would "probably" endorse a 2016 California referendum to permit marijuana use by the general public, should it qualify for the ballot.
“If they put it on the ballot that they would legalize it, I’d probably support that ballot measure,” Representative Rohrabacher said in a phone interview. Elaborating on the issue nationwide, he adds: “By providing the federal government the right to control personal behavior, it’s totally contradictory to what our country is all about.”
Recommended: How much do you know about marijuana? Take the quiz
Proponents of legalizing marijuana for recreational use in California plan to put such a measure on the state ballot in 2016.
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Test your knowledge How much do you know about marijuana? Take the quiz


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With those remarks, Rohrabacher becomes the first Republican congressman to endorse legalization, says Allen St. Pierre, executive director of NORML, a group that supports looser marijuana laws.
“He’s a beachgoing surfer from a ... coastal town in California,” Mr. St. Pierre says of Rohrabacher, calling the Republican’s support “monumental.”
Forty congressional Democrats have already expressed interest in legalizing the drug, Mr. St. Pierre said, dubbing them the “cannabis caucus.”
Democratic-leaning voters are more in favor of marijuana legalization than are independent and Republican-leaning voters, says St. Pierre, but ballot referendums in the states are forcing Republican legislators to adopt more a laissez-faire view.
“Up until very recently, the issue was driven by their constituents,” says St. Pierre. “It will change in Republican districts when more legislation and initiatives force the hands of Republicans.”
So far, Rohrabacher is an outlier among Republicans on this issue. He says the matter should be decided at the state level, and that his view is influenced by economic costs and concerns.
“It is a total waste of money when we’re facing a fiscal crisis, we’re wasting money on trying to stop people from smoking weed,” Rohrabacher said.
While he supports legalization for adults, the congressman also says that a boss has the right to fire an employee for smoking off the job. That’s what occurred in Washington State last week, when the state’s first resident to buy marijuana legally was fired – and then rehired.
“It would be an employer’s prerogative to say whether or not who he wants to hire,” he says. “If someone is fired for smoking marijuana, I understand that there are people who think it's very dangerous.”
Rohrabacher also expressed concern about the downsides of pot-smoking. Marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug by the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and both possession and sales remain illegal under federal law.
In recent years, the public's views on marijuana usage have shifted. Fifty-eight percent of Americans now support legalizing use of the substance, according to a Gallup poll conducted in October 2013.
The trend is especially apparent among young people. About 67 percent of Americans ages 18 to 29 polled in favor of legalization, the Gallup study showed.
Just as Republicans 10 years ago used opposition to gay marriage to drive conservative voters to the polls, Democrats are tapping the legal marijuana issue this year to try to bring out their voting base, St. Pierre says.
“In Florida, Democrats have placed on the ballot a medical marijuana initiative in order to draw out more independent and young Democratic voters,” he says.
"They are trying to take a page from Karl Rove’s playbook,” he adds, referring to former President George W. Bush’s strategist, who was the chief architect of the anti-gay-marriage state ballot measures in 2004.
A recent bill in the House of Representatives demonstrated the shifting political winds, with legislators voting 219 to 189 for a motion to prevent the DEA from going after medical marijuana operations in states that permit them. Nearly 50 House Republicans, including Rohrabacher, joined most Democrats in supporting the amendment


Active member
Yup! He's been on our side all along. Nice that he's now come out in favor of recreational! We need more like him. I feel strongly that if California, our most populated state, legalizes recreationally, the federal government can't be far behind.


Well-known member
A recent bill in the House of Representatives demonstrated the shifting political winds, with legislators voting 219 to 189 for a motion to prevent the DEA from going after medical marijuana operations in states that permit them. Nearly 50 House Republicans, including Rohrabacher, joined most Democrats in supporting the amendment

interesting as the Republican for weed is, that last tidbit was quite an eye grabber
the DEA will probably have a collective stroke if that gets though the senate


Fuck ALL those sorry corrupt ass motherfuckers!

Dem or repub doesn't matter, as they're all just as bad as the fuckin' nazi's.


ICMag Donor
Fuck ALL those sorry corrupt ass motherfuckers!

Dem or repub doesn't matter, as they're all just as bad as the fuckin' nazi's.

Yes yes yes of course however in the meantime, "an enemy of my enemy is my friend "


Well-known member
Fuck ALL those sorry corrupt ass motherfuckers!

Dem or repub doesn't matter, as they're all just as bad as the fuckin' nazi's.

let me get this straight...the man says he is for legalizing weed, & you say "they are all just as bad as the fuckin' Nazis." do you not see that he is on our side here? without folks like him in office pot will NEVER be legal. you gotta use the tools in the damn tool box... we have GOT to stop shooting ourselves in the damn foot by not supporting politicians that support our causes. yeah, he is a politician. show me ANYONE that got elected to ANYTHING that was NOT a politician. running for office, by its very definition, means that you ARE a politician. better that we have friendly politicians than unfriendly ones blocking the path to freedom. this attitude is so fucking shortsighted that it is incredible...


Active member
armedoldhippie is right. I hate Them ALL TOO, But when They not only think it's ok to legalize, but go on to further expound that it is totally against what Our Country is about,,, to allow the Federal Government to control Personal behavior.
Dam Man just what, or Who would satisfy You???
George Washington aint coming back, any time soon.
We ABSOLOUTLY have to support this kind of Mentality, or the coporate $$$ will continue to WIN, and CONTROL the narrative.

I do feel Ya though, Growcephus. It has been 2 sides of the SAME DIRTY COIN for so long, but change is coming, and We have to keep fighting. By supporting Folks like this is the fastest way to end this prohibition.
Each State that passes Laws that contradict the Feds BS, is another HUGE crack in the foundation of the FED's Prohibitionist BULLSHIT.



let me get this straight...the man says he is for legalizing weed, & you say "they are all just as bad as the fuckin' Nazis." do you not see that he is on our side here? without folks like him in office pot will NEVER be legal. you gotta use the tools in the damn tool box... we have GOT to stop shooting ourselves in the damn foot by not supporting politicians that support our causes. yeah, he is a politician. show me ANYONE that got elected to ANYTHING that was NOT a politician. running for office, by its very definition, means that you ARE a politician. better that we have friendly politicians than unfriendly ones blocking the path to freedom. this attitude is so fucking shortsighted that it is incredible...

On OUR side?

I think not friend.

That motherfucker is on HIS side first, and on his g'damn nazi party side second. PERIOD. These lousy cocksuckers aren't jumping on the bandwagon because it's the right thing to do, they're doing it because they can see the possibility of PROFIT in it for THEM.

The states don't need the support of the g'damn dirty corrupt federal congress, and as far as I'm concerned, they can all get dropped in a volcano.


Active member
I feel the sudden support from both sides is more about pandering for votes in 2016. It has become painfully clear how large of a potential voting demographic pot smokers make up. You see politics is all about demographics, i.e the religious, the gays, the pro/anti abortion crowds, the immigrants and now potheads. Political success comes from having the most demographics in your back pocket.


Well-known member
On OUR side?

I think not friend.

That motherfucker is on HIS side first, and on his g'damn nazi party side second. PERIOD. These lousy cocksuckers aren't jumping on the bandwagon because it's the right thing to do, they're doing it because they can see the possibility of PROFIT in it for THEM.

The states don't need the support of the g'damn dirty corrupt federal congress, and as far as I'm concerned, they can all get dropped in a volcano.

I don't CARE why he is on our side. I don't give a flying fuck WHY he votes our way, just as long as he votes our way. once they have voted our way, I will help you carry the hypocritical cocksuckers up to the lip & toss them into the volcano! but FIRST, lets get the dumb sons of bitches to cut these fucking shackles off of us. and yes, we DO need the feds to change. the states will not be enough if the DEA is still out there & the fed govt still allows corporations to drug test us in order to get & keep our jobs. ALL of that shit is under federal control. I'm sure that you feel "righteous" by saying "FUCK THEM!", but until the laws are changed, we NEED folks like this guy. get over your damn self & help....


Active member
Even a blind squirrel finds a few acorns.

Thank you, Mr Rohrabacher. Your help is much appreciated.


Active member
Steven seagal is doing bodyguard work for dana? Oh and lol @ "probably" support

I think he was just there on one of those muckety-muck junkets.

He looks like shit, all puffed up like a guy who drinks way too much. That shit will kill you.

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