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Everithing went wrong:(


Active member
From last 7 seedlings (2 Mr nice shits and 5 sweet tooth's # 4)left none. Something in nature went wrong and some little beings ate them all. Fukin conspiracy lol. The worst thing is that this month i have very relevant exams on my study to do so i can not get my focus on this years 3RD GROW. :fsu: So my question is ,if i should have energy and will, would that be too late to do some growin in month no 7(im at 45 nh). What the yields would be. I have left with 15 swt#4 and 3 shit seeds and would be happy with 3-4 mature plants. I have 1000s of thi seeds amd some other sativas too but i want to grow some indica dom strans. :badday:

OG Royal Grower

try and try again good luck maybe try starting those seeds in a safe controlled environment.


Active member
OGRG... i will start them in safely environment like u say bro. No more risks with direct grow in nature. Thanks!

DEFT... they were about 20 cm (2/3 ft). very nice plants they were.

3T's... i will bro, thanks!

IF somebody can answer to me i wil be very pleased. Now, the plan is to buy 18 w fluoro lamp(have no money for bigger) and plant last 3 mr nice shit seeds under that light source. Would 18w be enough for 3-4 weeks veg (3 plants)? How big they will be? If i transplant them outdoor in month 7 will they automaticly start to flower,because of indoor preveg at 24 hours of light per day, or they will stay in veg?

Thank u guys! :wave:
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Yeah nature can be a cruel thing... I can't tend to my plants 24/7 and I see some o them are getting burnt by the sun. I have some that are doing fine, but I wonder how many will make it to the flowering stage...


A single 18w Flourscent will not be good enough for the first 3-4 weeks. even id you do get them to grow without excessive stretching when you place them outside they will fry. If you got the previous plants to 2 feet before something ate them you should be fine with replanting seedlings outside again provided you put up some chicken wire around them. If it were me I would buy a 7 dollar 27watt Compact flourescent and grow them for the first week then plant outside with some finer chicken wire to prevent snails, and whatever pests took out your other plants. If your plants are taken out at three feet, you probably need to provide protection throughout their lives with some sort of chicken wire. Sounds like you had a bad case of deer.


Active member
Lol. Thx Jahkaya! My plants were 2/3 feet big or 20 centimetars, and m8 im from europe, and here where i live there is non deers except some human animals lol! But anyway thanks for yours kind sugestion. Peace OM

PS Found some 20 watters with about 1300-1500 lumens(not sure). Would they develop 3 plants to 5-7 inches high and for how much time(plan to kepp light on 24/7)?

STONER133 pls HELP!!!



Leave this place better then when i arrived
I remeber reading on the OG grow guide that 70 watts/sq. foot will cause optimal growth using floro. I would expect if u got 3 of those 20 watters you would be good. I have lots of bugs around my area, and i have seen during munching on my plants while i was close to the grow. So what i do is place 2 litre coca cola bottles on the plants. For the plants of your size i would suggest those large watter jugs, they are wide and tall enough. When you lost you 7 plants, were they pulled out? You think it could of just been a ripper?


Active member
Hello ttt! Yeah one thing is strange: I had 7-2 liter bottles around plants and what left are only 7 sticks in the soil. Possibility of ripper is very very minimal. So i guess snails ate them or rats or some bugs ,dont know. About 2-3 weeks was raining so snails were crazy these days.

Peace OM


Leave this place better then when i arrived
What do you mean sticks. You mean there are only stems left? The same thing just happened to me.