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Equipment Problem... Need major help choosing light

Alright, I've got a box that's 72longx48highx30deep and inside of it currently I have a 600watt hps w/ cool tube hooked up to a 6" vortex blowing air across the bulb and out... I also have a 4" vortex on a can 9000 mounted to the ceiling. Theres (6) 2" passive vents w/ light louvers along the bottom of the box as well. Currently temps get around 95* w/ the lights and fans and everything on. I'm just venting back out into the same room (which is fairly cool) but I don't have a way to vent out of the room in any way.

I've decided to bite the bullet and just toss the 600watt out and buy a 400watt off bghydro. However, I already have a cooltube, I just want a simple ballast setup that I can easily attach to the old cooltube, and I don't want to spend a lot of money since Im just throwing the 600 into the garbage (unless anyone knows a safe place to sell equip.. it's brand new).

I figure w/ 200 less watts the temps shouldn't have an issue getting down to 85* or so....

Anyone have any tips, and could someone tell me which is the cheapest 400watt setup on bghydro that I can get that will work w/ what I have stated. Thanks :woohoo:


Active member
Where ya from bro i'll trade ya for a xtrasun 400w.... :D
If i were you I would leave the door open to the room and put a big box fan in it....
Will help with some of the heat anyways... Either that or get an AC..
Edit: If you do buy a new one, don't be throwin the old one out either... Send it here I'm as good as the garbage... :wink:
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resident slackass
Have you looked at plantlightinghydroponics.com?
they've got some pretty good deals there if you're not dead set on bghydro.

Also, don't can the 600. it may be too hot right now but you may be able to use it in the winter when things have cooled down a bit.


yts farmer

Well-known member
any 400w hps bulb or ballast should be compatible with your cool tube.

like said,dont bin your bulb or ballast(600w),if its brand new like you say take it back to where you bought it from and they might cut you a deal or even swap it foc.

yts farmer

Well-known member
over at the advanced nutrients forum they used to have a sell and trade forum for grow equipment.

if not stick it on ebay.



hey man, tough situation.
do not throw the 600 watter out. Try and locate other hydroponic stores in your area; many buy used equipment or trade for it.

As for yer question; It sounds like the exhaust needs to get outside of the room the box is in. If you can cool down the room the box is in via a window this will help. Maybe setup something that can intake air from outside that room into your grow box


if you're going to throw it away, i'll pay for the shipping if you want to send it to me!

also, the 400w will be slightly cooler, but not much as 600w HPS are the most efficient HID lamps, as far as heat/light ratio are concerned. the only other thing i could recommend to you is getting a cheap window-mount AC to pipe cool air into the cab.
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grow is not in my house, that option isn't avaliale since others will be able to notice the venting... this is going for dead on stealth... family members walk by this almost everyday... so far it's been 10days w/o a problem


if you were going to toss the 600 instead of selling it ....hold onto it...you will use it later I promise....a 400 watt does cause less heat and may work better for you in the room as small as that.I got a 48 inch cool tube from bghydro and the sockets are rounded metal that adjusts anywhere in the cooltube.....I love them. ask about them.maybe they sell them separate.best of luck