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Enviro lights


The Tri Guy
Ah you're in the UK, great, Argos has 3 compact flouro bulbs for 7 quid. I keep my veg going with one of them. You'd need quite a few all hooked up to flower with them though. If heat is a prob I'd go for a 250 w hps and try to vent well. Personally I just took the back off an old wardrobe and stucke a 400w in there for flower. Doors open and no back combined with the reflector at a 45 degree angle sends a lot of the heat out anyway.


I was thinking about going for flouro lights for veg and moving to a 250w hps for flowering. The cabnet I've got in mind is a standard size wardrobe. I've got no experance with lights and the heat problem is abit of a worry...not just from the plants health point of view but I'm also abit dodgy that I might come home one day to find my house on fire.


The Tri Guy
You've got guys on here with 1000's of watts going, 250 shouldnt really be a worry, so long as you have ventillation.


New member

A lot of people have called me a fool when i started this grow, but I use envirolights for growth as well as flowering. I started growing the seedlings for some weeks under 6500K, and then switched bulbs to 2700K a week after inducing flowering.

If you use the same wattage as you'd do with HPS, the results shouldn't stay that much behind. But what i see now, doing my first grow, is that it goes perfect.... untill you get in the last weeks of bud stage. Then it'll go a bit slower than with HPS. Anyway i see some nice buds forming in my closet, running on 1 x 200 watt Envirolight, supported by 4 smaller energy savers.

Hint: keep your lights as close to the plants as possible!
A good harvest can be done for sure... A very important advantage is the better controllable temperature: not any higher than about 29 degrees with the lights on. Ï also believe that you get a higher quality photosynthesis, eventhough the process is slower.

Some pics of my buds right now:

Early Misty under Envirolights

Dutch Hope under Envirolights

Durban Poison

The setup!




cool room...that's the sort of set up I'm looking at getting.......I might be being thick here but do you keep the door shut on that?