I know this has been discussed here and there , but I wanted to share my observations and see what other had to say.
Recently I noticed an area in my room was consistently underperforming compared to the rest of the room. Regardless of new bulbs, more fans etc. Plants in that area consistently stretched out much more than the rest of the room. I decided to test w/ a light meter. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1PK0KC4987
( i have this one ^^).
I found that the lights being powered by my light energy magnetic ballasts were outputting 55000 lux at 18". Meanwhile my powerbox and solis tek digital ballasts are outputting at 85000-100000 lux. that is quite a bit more . They are all less than 1 yr old. I don't think I will buy magnetic ballasts again. Any thoughts?
I know this has been discussed here and there , but I wanted to share my observations and see what other had to say.
Recently I noticed an area in my room was consistently underperforming compared to the rest of the room. Regardless of new bulbs, more fans etc. Plants in that area consistently stretched out much more than the rest of the room. I decided to test w/ a light meter. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1PK0KC4987
( i have this one ^^).
I found that the lights being powered by my light energy magnetic ballasts were outputting 55000 lux at 18". Meanwhile my powerbox and solis tek digital ballasts are outputting at 85000-100000 lux. that is quite a bit more . They are all less than 1 yr old. I don't think I will buy magnetic ballasts again. Any thoughts?