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Easy ways of speeding up hermaphroditism through stress?


I've got an Asian sativa from a strain prone to herming even by that standard, the one I have right now was a clone from the most convincingly female plant a friend could grow, it still produced (not entirely developed) seeds towards the very end of flowering, mainly small gritty bits in amongst the buds.

I'd like to get some seeds from this one if possible seeing as it's my last chance with a reasonably reliable plant from this strain, it's just gone into flowering time recently but not showing much evidence of flowers yet, are there any easy ways (short of using cs) to stress it enough to produce a few male flowers earlier rather than later?

Thanks Guys :)

Sat X RB

yep. raise it's soil pH up a coupla points using hydrochloric or sulfuric acid.

the plant will change sex all over tho'.


Raise it's pH using acid? Surely that'd lower pH? :p
I see what you mean but do you mean lower or raise? Thanks for the tip :)

If it changes sex all over that's not going to help with seed production, I just want to stress it a little to bring on the hermaphroditism it's already predisposed to but a few weeks sooner.


just go in there and pop on the lights a few times during the dark period, easy sneezy


I could give that a go :) well I've other plants in there I don't want to mess with but I can take it out and put in a lit room, how long do I need to keep it in the light for it to start to register it? I heard plants need at least half an hour of light exposure to register it.

Any other advice guys? :)


Active member
Try a green LED made for plants when you go in. Won't upset the rest of the herd while you get your hermi girl out. I would think about backcrossing instead of a hermi seed production. Even with backcrossing hermi traits are wicked to try and remove.


The strain I have is very hermie prone, CS isn't going to signifficantly reduce the proportion of hermies that in the offspring, I'm planning on also making an outcross to an indica male I have but it'd help me if I had some plants of the original strain to backcross that too and atm I have only this one.
I'm going to have to cease growing for a few months and I can't exactly keep a clone going during that time, so really I need it in seed form. :-(

thanks for the advice all the same :)


cough femmed seeds are hermie seeds cough , intersex nutt here and there isnt true hermie though


i would make some clones of that female/"hermie" and try CS to make some S1 beans.
before anything else,
Just to make some more possibilities that maby could have the combinations to not go "herm". i dont know if it is, but it could also result in some plants somewhere in the batch that was just a bit more stable, but still "herm" prone.
if the factors doing a plant hermprone is not only in the gender cromosomes them selves but is in the combination of the autosomes, or a mix of the two. the herm thing could be shoffled away in some of the offspring by the recombination of genes in the autosome part in a S1 batch. at least thats the way i see it, the only thing is then what the percentage is, that i would recon would tell something about the number of factors in the first place responsible for the "hermie" traits.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
zap em with high nutes, heat and drought. something should happen,



Colloidal silver is so easy to make. Why would you want hermie seeds and not feminized seeds?

It will be the same DNA, with CS or through natural herming. They're both hermi seeds.
Soma used this technique (letting plants flower 2+ weeks over date, so they sprout bananas, then using that pollen to make a cross) before he did it the chemical way.
Only problem is you can't get really stable plants to herm easily this way, and you should be using really stable plants. But most breeders don't stresstest their plants, they grow their plants in perfect environments without stress. Then some grower gets their seeds in a less perfect environment and it herms. Whose fault is it? They could be selecting hermaprone plants over resilient ones without knowing. A lot of big respected breeders breed in greenhouses. Natural sunlight, no abrupt switch to 12/12 -> very low chance in getting plants to herm, which could herm badly in indoor conditions(crappy spectrum, rough chance in light schedule)! I've gotten a few herms from fms, but perfect performing plants outdoor. It's been suggested on forums to change the light gradually. But if you want to breed with them I'd suggest against that.

I'd let the plant herm "naturally"(trimming heavily in flower, turn the light on at night, etc), then you could stresstest the offspring(lights on 30 minutes at night so they all get the same treatment) and use the least or not herming ones to get a more stable line.

Evol Seeds

I see your point sprinkle but imo you will still get more herms from a plant that hermies when stressed and pollinates itself as opposed to taking 2 clones and not stressing them, spraying 1 with cs and pollinating the other non stressed clone.
I always stress test and do not use any hermie genetics so I am only saying what I know of other grows results. I do use CS very often.

Evol Seeds

I thought cs worked by stressing the plant?

Cs simply stops the plant from producing female hormones and it grows male parts in response.
Colloidal silver is used in horticulture as an ethylene inhibitor, by competing for binding sites on the ethylene receptors of plants. Ethylene is the chemical known for “sexing” plants, so by blocking synthesis, colloidal silver can be used for forcing male onto female plants.


I see your point sprinkle but imo you will still get more herms from a plant that hermies when stressed and pollinates itself as opposed to taking 2 clones and not stressing them, spraying 1 with cs and pollinating the other non stressed clone.
I always stress test and do not use any hermie genetics so I am only saying what I know of other grows results. I do use CS very often.

If that were true it would mean that either stressing the plants or using cs changes the genetics, the dna, which i find hard to believe!


Some genes are triggered by stress (in animals as well as plants) to allow them to deal with harsh environments (in humans the genes include things like adapting to high sugar or low quality diets) that then effectivly change the individual's genotype from then on, in a similar way to how leaf distribution can be changed from opposite to alternate by time but can't be switched back.
The genes however will be passed on back in their untriggered state to the offspring.

Evol Seeds

If that were true it would mean that either stressing the plants or using cs changes the genetics, the dna, which i find hard to believe!

The only thing that's I know of to actually change the genetics of a plant is colchacine. Cs does not change genetics but if you grow a large # of planys known to herm and stress test each one you may find one to work with.
I am not saying to spray a hermits with Cs. I don't believe herms should ever be bred.

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