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Easy on the Heart


Well-known member
copied from elsewhere: Big fan of your work. Would like to know which of your sativa strains produce the least heart racing/pounding effect in your opinion? I'm always looking for a good sativa that will be comfortable to smoke regularly.


Malawi fem. Whatever pheno I've got! :D Picked it a little early and it's just great mood weed! Love it! Pulled some older buds off a reveg and it picked up a pretty stoney character. Also, VietBlack/Thai is real nice too! Good yield, nice smells, good strength. Not as potent as the Malawi, though.


Keeping in mind that's it's all so VERY subjective and often pheno dependent, I would put forth NepJam and Panama as fitting the bill. NepJam as I recall -and it's been awhile- was very up, happy, social, it's-83-degrees-go-to-the-beach-in-yr-shades, kinda pot. Panama, I'm still not sure how I would characterize but it's very strong, expansive-exalted- and yet one is exquisitely functional somehow, despite the daunting heights. It's a potent sacrament but I don't recall feeling anxious, racy, etc. I find it a bit more introverted than the NepJam. Orient Express can be electric but not necessarily speedy or racy. It's got that Yunnan thang going on that makes everything warm and relaxed while at the same time providing a powerful up. Similarly, Congo can be trippy as hell but not anxiety producing unless trippiness in general is problematic for you. I dunno, other's mileage may vary extremely with any of these, I reckon - one man's meat is another man's poison - I think NepJam in particular would be a safe bet, though. Fun! Lots o' fun! Best of luck.


When I grew out Congo, I did not find them to be racy, although everyone's perception of how a strain affects them will vary to some degree. Letting them flower longer will also help.

lost in a sea

yeah nepjam should be a more chilled choice :rasta:

i really love all african lines and they do cause a very calm state for the most part but can also get trippy if you toke alot,,

its always been one of the most underrated sections of the gene pool for me,,


I hear you, Lost...would really love different varieties of African and I would love to know what folks are growing in Brazil.


Well-known member
Not too worried about trippin.. just a pounding heart is all. Some indicas like the chemD have this effect as well so I'm not sure raciness has much to do with it either. The malawi I'm not really a fan of, its high is just not my cup of tea.


ACE Seeds Breeder
High all :)

Thanks Gerardbutler79 for your kind of words. I'd recommend you Orient Express, Tikal and Nepalese Jam, especially the first 2 produce a clear happy social non anxious kind of high. Vietnam Black Thai and Double Thai are also great choices if you dont mind to grow longer flowering plants. Hope you find what are you looking for! ;)

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