FinestKindWow, I think I'm talking to the wall here, but I'll give it a shot anyway. Other than the above questions, I also have one other: What happened to Earth Juice's OMRI certification, does anyone know? I swear the first couple of bottles had printed on them "OMRI certified," but now they don't- and I couldn't find them on the OMRI site... anyone?
Just for starters, one of the reasons that they may have lost their OMRI 'listing' (OMRI has no legal status - they can't certify anything) is that they may have refused to pay the blood money that OMRI requires for their useless sticker.
The larger the company - the more you have to pay, i.e. the stipend you are required to pay is dependent on your company's gross sales/revenues.
If you've got enough money - you could probably get an OMRI 'listing' on bottled dog urine.