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Dutch coffeeshops - post your latest reviews here!


Well-known member
Dear community. Since I'm going to Amsterdam twice next week(beginning of the week for an overnighter and then again at the weekend for some unexpected reasons. Of course I'm not complaining though:dance013:)I thought such a thread would be handy(at least for someone, right? Pretty sure on that one:biggrin: ;) ). Sure such a thread exists already but I haven't found it yet. Feel free to correct me/give me directions. Thanks!
Quite excited at the minute and almost can't wait for my very first stop at Bluebird on monday. Hopefully get totally wasted off some Cheese Pollen(moroccan hashish)if they still have it after a smoke break of four weeks then(even though this won't happen but it'll be fun for sure :muahaha: !). More looking for hash at coffeeshops and will definitely report back!

Rule of thumb for posting in this thread: please post your latest informal coffeeshop experience here. Name shop, strain/hash, price and time of purchase(roughly). It doesn't matter if it's a coffeeshop in Amsterdam or elsewhere in the country!

Cheers in advance!


Well-known member
The Grey Area.

I think you missed something, dude;). Think about your thumb(hint, hint). Thanks anyway, shit happens!

This thread is about latest purchases not the ones from the past. So what did you buy and how you would rate it? Your answer is appreciated!

Personally I think the Grey Area was pretty good way back and still one of the better shops nowadays(they all suffer from often medicore weed supplies). As said in the last years there were good weed to be found(names I forgot though) but you pay about horrendous 15-16€ for their called 'premium buds'. I had some mighty good Martian Meen Green(14€ if memory serves me right)in 2010 there which stood out for me by the way.
Since I'm more on the hash side of things this shop isn't too interesting for me anyway so I think I will skip it this time.


Active member
For hash i normally go in a friendly small morrocan coffeeshop calles Massawa. They have 4 types of hash, i normally get the primera or the royal primera, my girlfriend likes them twisla. The twisla is about 30 euros 5 g, the primeira 40 for 5g and the royal primera 50 for 5g. It's all about taste. But i am normally happy with the quality of hash overthere and also with the prices.


Well-known member
Again thank you, Cannawolf. I heard of Massawa before. Will check it out one day.

I'm more into moroccan hash('black hash' every now and then but no priority for some reasons)and like to shop hash in the Dam at: Dampkring II/Tweede Kamer, De Graal, Bluebird, Original Dampkring and sometimes Katsu, Utopia, Siberie and Kadinsky. More looking for outstanding stuff like some of the Rifman range but I do know that several moroccan owned shops serve quality resin for an okish price.

As said I'll report back:biggrin:!


Active member
I was out there August favourite for us was dampkring 2 started there on the morning and finished there of an evening nice cool place nice hash better weed one sexy ass waitress I'm talking niki minaj batty with pillows for tits and she's up for a laugh �� Popeyes is just opposite aswell so if the hash isn't up to your standard they had some real nice stuff but far too cramped in there smokey joes had a nice vibe but shiiiiiiittttt weed.


Active member
My friend was in amsterdam a month ago. He had not smoked for months and was barely able to get high with anything he found there. Grey area and katsu included.
It seems the scene there went to total shit.


Active member
Hey folks,
i have been to amsterdam in september. Went to the 1eHulp bought som "exodus cheese" and "FruityKush" both of the weed were ok. But i think it wasnt the "exodus cut". My brightside cookies is much more cheese flavour then their exodus.
1g each strain coasts 12€ which was "OK". I bought another gramm of mazarishariff hash and this was really good for 10€/g.

Next visit will be in Nov :)



Well-known member

Thx. As mentioned I prefer Tweede Kamer to DampkringII(same owner)but they do offer nice moroccan.

Popeyes I haven't been ages and I think they're a bit out of date. I remember their Aladins Chocolate was rated well ages ago. They also most probably sold sprayed Vanilla Kush some years ago(aroma!)and perhaps still do. Like some other shops do with their Strawberry Haze(just visit Cannabis College in the Dam for more info about such shitholes).

Proud I never set foot into Smokeys by the way:laughing:! Their gear seems to be pretty bad but it might be a place to hang out I can't comment on that though!


Thanks. I can relate especialy about general quality as I wrote elsewhere. I think barely getting high is a bit exaggerated though especially as you wrote he didn't smoke for a months as I take my tolerance thing quite serious, too. Again I can relate though so no offence intended.

Katsu by the way I think was better back in the day, too(everything was better back in the day, right?:muahaha: ). When their Black Widow was good I mean. Had some Mango Haze a few months back and it was nothing more than good enough.
I will pay them a visit this time though:biggrin: !


Cheers. Yes I agree as well again. Had a constant supply of quite nice pungent smellling organic homegrown Blue Cheese(Big Buddha)in the last few years which had some sort of thick fruity Bubble Gum flavour with Cheese in the background. Can taste it just thinking of it :woohoo:.
Unfortunately this selected cut is gone.

Never saw and smelled nice Cheese like the supposed to be real cut from Homegrown Fantasies(rest in peace)years ago again as said.
I mostly look for it when in town though.

Good call about the Mazar. If not this crappy border version(I call it 'Afghan soapbar')it's nice hash. Seems one batch is doing its rounds as I had a good batch in The Hague this summer, too.


Invertebrata Inebriata
My friend was in amsterdam a month ago. He had not smoked for months and was barely able to get high with anything he found there. Grey area and katsu included.
It seems the scene there went to total shit.

I think maybe your friend is full of shit.:biggrin:


Active member
Ill back that up to be honest the variety was bang on but me and my pals were saying how there was no way we could of smoked as much at home as we was in the dam.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
too often I read ppl saying... I went to amsterdam, spent the whole time in a 1km square, couldnt find anything decent... well you don't say.. try leaving the tourist areas for 5 minutes eh guys? ...


A bas l`etat policier polygame!
This summer I was in Groningen, in the Coffeshop Taverne Oasis I bought,:





The shop is 5 minutes out of the inner city. They gave me a discount, where I didn´t ask for, very friendly! :)


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
hey buddy ... didnt they give you grief about not being local? a friend was recently visiting down in that area and they wouldnt sell to him...

edit: my mistake, I just realised he was down by Breda... not Groningen :D


Well-known member

Thanks for backing it up. Compared to what? Homegrown? Us-Dispensary stuff? Spanish social clubs? If you don't mind me asking! However, tolerance is also quite important when rating stuff. I'm with you as said though.


Firstly, I'm not that guy with his friend;). Secondly, I agree with you! Quality is mediocore on the average. Doesn't really matter if a locals place or so called tourist shop - at best it differs in price!


I'm sick of that crap, too. Not getting high respectively barely is far too exaggerated. Nonetheless as I pointed out a bit in the other thread there is definitely a decrease in quality going on since a couple of years. You won't find the holy grail that easily outside of the centre, either. Locals in my humble opinion tend to look for cheap priced gear and I don't judge it, especially outside in the rest of the Netherlands the scene is pretty much like that as well. Outstanding stuff(especially weedwise)is hard to find. Classic strains like White Widow, Northern Lights et cetera are often poorly grown these days. Better quality you often only find at a higher price range(12€+)and it's mostly boring Amnesia or similar 'hazes'.

Better let's get back to topic and focus on the still remaining good stuff to be found.


Cheers, I've heard of Taverne Oasis but haven't been. As said I had that type respectively batch of Afghan in the Hague(Cremers).

Tomorow afternoon or evening I will be sitting in De Graal(vacation time:dance013: ) after picking up most of the stuff the Dam has to offer at the minute smoking my tits off:greenstars: .

Roll on monday:biggrin:!

By the way I like those ridiculous smileys available here:jump:


A bas l`etat policier polygame!
hey buddy ... didnt they give you grief about not being local? a friend was recently visiting down in that area and they wouldnt sell to him...

edit: my mistake, I just realised he was down by Breda... not Groningen :D

No it was no Problem, in Goningen you can buy as a foreinger, but only 5 Gramm a day. Good that my wife was with me, so she had to buy Hash the first time in her life. :biggrin: