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Dumbest ripper



:biggrin:well here's hoping he gets burned at the stake fukin prick.
another turd around my way was stealing property out of peeps back yards and kindly dropped his mobile, needless to say.

Useful Idiot

Active member
I know some of you out there will chime in and say...if someone knocks these guys teeth out for what they did it brings negativity to the plant. I say...if you are a scumbag theif you need to be held accountable for your crime. If someone came and stole my new Cub Cadet rider...same thing. Some old school justice should be handed out. Sometime folks need to realize a real good ass whoopin has done more for a criminal than 3 months in jail. Just my opinion.


Well-known member
A friend of mine caught a guy in the act of stealing his equipment and he wrestled him to the ground and tied him up. He then brought the fella into his garage where he was duct taped to a chair and beaten with a belt for hours until he called his brother who is a cop and came over and told the thief you can either leave here and not say a thing or go to jail. My buddy said he's never seen someone run so fast in his life ahaha. To any rippers reading this don't fuck with peoples livelihood you might lose you life.